Electric Rain
New Member
I need to make something that will make some white LEDs (Maybe 10 or so.) flicker. I’m going to make the LEDs look like stars, so I only need them to flicker a very small amount. A VERY small amount, barely noticeable. (Flicker meaning dim in and out a little.) I also don’t want it to run on more then 9 volts, maybe 12. And I don’t want any controls. Like pots or switches. If it’s powered, it works. No flicker control pot, on/off switch or anything. Can someone provide me with schematics? I am doing this for a family business that we own. And so I need to figure this thing out within, about 1 1/2 months or so. I don’t mean to rush, but we are going to a craft show on the November 27th, and I need to figure it out quite a bit in advance before that. (But we’ll be able to figure it out before that anyway.) If you need more details on what I need, please don’t hesitate to ask.