I was using an ILQ2 optocoupler the other day, and I wanted the thing to turn on when I put 24V across the diode and a series resistor, and I wanted it to turn off at anything less than 10V... So... I thought, I'll just select the resistor where at 24V it'll give ~10mA and under 10 it should be approx half the current and it'll not turn on... but I was wrong the thing turned on anyway... so I arbitrarily picked up a 15k resistor... the thing turned on at 24V.... the thing turned on at 8V... now 8V/15k = ~ 0.5mA... that's hardly nuthin.... 500uA.... but it still turned on (when I'm saying turned on I'm sayin that the LED inside the optocoupler was able to get the photo-transistor to turn on)...
my question: How is this possible? And is this not a good way to figure out a turn on and turn off voltage for the optocoupler... by picking a large series resistance?
Much thanks!
my question: How is this possible? And is this not a good way to figure out a turn on and turn off voltage for the optocoupler... by picking a large series resistance?
Much thanks!