I took the LCD out of a Motorola iDEN i710 phone and want to interface it to a PIC microcontroller, if possible. I have found information about Nokia LCDs (serial interface) but nothing about Motorola LCDs. Here are the specs of the LCD:
Type: LCD (Color TFT/TFD)
Resolution: 130 x 130 pixels
Colors: 65,536 (16-bit)
The connector of the LCD has 20 pins (10 on each side). There is a label on the back that has the following text:
09E03 Thailand
Is there a datasheet for this LCD somewhere?
Type: LCD (Color TFT/TFD)
Resolution: 130 x 130 pixels
Colors: 65,536 (16-bit)
The connector of the LCD has 20 pins (10 on each side). There is a label on the back that has the following text:
09E03 Thailand
Is there a datasheet for this LCD somewhere?
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