I'd like to operate the N-channel mosfet of the FDC6420 dual channel mosfet at VDC_nch =~ 0V (close to 0V), and IDS_nch = 200mA.
How can I know from its Datasheet the threshhold voltage under these conditions?
In the table, they mention Vthresh_hold_nch = 1.5V (max) when VDS_nch=VGS_nch and IDS_nch = 250uA.
Should the threshold change under different conditions?
How can I know from its Datasheet the threshhold voltage under these conditions?
In the table, they mention Vthresh_hold_nch = 1.5V (max) when VDS_nch=VGS_nch and IDS_nch = 250uA.
Should the threshold change under different conditions?
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