thank you for your good thoughts cowboy bob.
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Instead you should embrace the principles, invent or make machines that explain a principle, what you build tend to be over complicated ways to explain very simple concepts. Eventually one of two things happen, you kill off interest in science because they wont trust it.
You are teaching stupidity, for me personally what i find worse is your going to kill interest in science. Kids loose interest in things they cant believe then find out are not true. An example of this is my little sister who is 8. This was probably the last Christmas she will ever believe in father Christmas, she honestly thinks he buys the presents and gives them out. Its a kind of magic and has made christmas a wonderful experience for her over the last 8 years.
My point is, your age range of audience are at a special age, never again will they learn as fast. Its a very very special time in growth, dont mess up young minds. Build things that demonstrate the truth and dont mislead, or build things that mislead and then debunk them. Teach them science is TRUTH and not lies. Teach them to trust in and believe in science, also teach them most art teacher are really odd![]()
I got a couple of points to add to this thread, i havnt said much on it for a while and recent events have given me some perspective on some of the things.
We start with the teaching side.
When i joined this forum i was roughly the age range your aiming at with this stuff. Had i of come on here back then and asked for what i did, and someone like you had given two conflicting names to the same device, i would have been confused.
It is about : 1. fidget spinner generator and 2. pulse motor (PM) when if will put them together it will result.... Pulse motor generator 3. (PMG) ( fidget spinner gen 1. + pulse motor 2. ( solar panels + reed switch + bobbin ) you can find all the details here **broken link removed**
In conclusion you have 3 options :
1. build a fidget spinner generator - details on the mentioned website
2. build a pulse motor ( using a fidget spinner + a reed switch +.......) PM - details on the mentioned website
3. build a pulse motor generator ( combine 1. + 2. ) PMG .......
I saw an interesting article :
it is a start.....
Barba non facit philosophum ( refering to some teachers....)
Some times I like to push the limits of physics and some people are presenting me volumes and volumes of theory .....But where are the results ?. I know is written in the books.....
man kind is funny.....
^^^^^^^^^ Yep. What he said.
I'm pretty sure sciencetoolbar is in the same mindset as the overunity nincompoop I have been dealing with in the other section. The mindset that has now become defined worldwide as Cognitive Dissonance Projectionism and is found almost exclusively associated with, and fortunately, limited to a rather narrow band of social-poltical following mindsets that have shown themselves to have and outrageously and ever growingly bad track record of being wrong on every subject they proclaim intellectual, moral, ethical or other superiority on.
The same mindset group that feels that, somehow everyone else but them are the stupid arrogant closed minded ones, even though pretty much everyone who is not of their mindset, can and will openly and actively explain their actions and work in detail to where anyone with any basic degree of knowledge can replicate said work and confirm or disprove said findings themselves and then openly tell everyone what they found and where what was first found is likely right or wrong.
Whereas the first group won't/can't, ever yet will happily strut off as if they had made some work of god like irrefutable fact based powerpoint presentation that crushed the whole of reality as we will forever see it.![]()
hey kid! wrong again . If you wish to learn from tcm .....good luck!!!! is already written in the he knows....Seriously stop twisting what people say, give people more credit than you are doing.
People giving you volumes and volumes of theory??? NO, this is preciously the bit you do not understand, they arr not giving you theory. What you are being presented with is FACTS gained from over a hundred years of experimentation.
Sometimes with people like you it is better to talk in n0n technical terms, i prefer to give simple analogies so they understand despite any language barriers. So this is your analogy and the reason you will do more harm than good.
Let6s say I dip a stick in a chemical mix, i then strike that stick on a wall and it begins to burn. I goto a chemical forum and declare i have invented fire on demand, the replies all tell me that the effect i am seeing is the same as the one seen in a match! But I insist that it isnt the same, how can it be the same?? Matches are small and mine is big, matches fit in your pocket and mine dosnt. But most of all matches have RED or Black ends and mine is GREEN... Ha, see it cant be a match can it! Its too different from a match therefore it has to be new.
So then the chemistry people explain how my match works, they give me the chemical equations, they tell me of other experiments to try so i can see what is going on. But I insist this isnt needed, they are of closed mind and just talking from books. I dont need to do the experiments because its so obvious what I have is not a match.
Eventually they decide I am never going to grasp what this is, so instead they tell me to be careful. They point out what can happen in some situations, they warn i could be burnt. Well this might anger me a little, I declare all they have done is talk theory, none of them are willing to make my stick of instant fire. So these are stupid people, closed minds who only see a match, if only they could see its not a match but a instant fire stick!
So would you declare they only speak of theory??
Now to address your accusation directly.
Do Not accuse me of talking theory only, you are lying to me and yourself. Go to your first post and read it carefully, you ask for help in developing your stick of fire. In that post i spent alot of time explaining the theory and DOING some experiments for you. Others also chipped in with a great deal of information, then read my reply above.
Note the bit where i talk about debunking badly taught concepts? And the part i mention having built some of your devices as teaching aids? I have copied and used alot of your work, it has been extremely useful in demonstrating to children how even adults can be totally fooled. I used them to demonstrate the scientific method of working, i copied some of what you did exactly how you did it.
The class and I then sat and discussed it, they also thought it was magic. So the following couple of weeks I took each underlying principle and went through it with 10 years olds step by step. I introduced them to how a scientist conducts experiments, how its important to keep an open mind and be lead by the evidence of your results only. I showed them how important it was to measure with care.
After 3 weeks of doing this and building things to explore some the ideas they came up with, we sat and discussed again, we reviewed our results and reached a conclusion. So we get to the important bit, the kids learnt a large amount, they were able to see how something can look one way and yet be wrong, they were taught how to use the scientific method to get to the truth.
At no point did i say to them, look just trust me dont measure anything just believe me when i tell you this is something special going on. Dont trust the books because books are just theory.
So you come here first asking for help and a explanation (go read your first threads), you got what you asked for and this made you unhappy. Then gradually you go from asking for help to declaring we are all stupid and closed minded people who look at theory only, you sir are nothing but a dangerous, close minded fool. You will do more harm than good, i find this unacceptable and worrying. My little sister loves science and you tube, i have spent many hours explaining to her the things she sees are not always true.
You are lucky, those with sense have never considered me for a position of power here, this is good news for you. I would have banned you long ago, you have gone past being funny and into the realm of highly insulting and completely of closed mind. I would go as far as to say your a disgrace to science. I have spent time, energy and money looking into your devices, i posted my results at one point. But predictably i was told i did it on the wrong day or with the moon in the wrong place or some other complete nonsense.
I copied what you did with an open mind, my reason was not to prove if you were right or wrong. I wanted to know the RESULTS, i wanted to see the evidence for myself. I learnt just how inefficient your method is, this is useful to know, i have also used it extensively, along with your videos to warn kids of the nonsense people are allowed to put up on the internet and call science. I can except that just because it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck and swims like a duck, it might not be a duck. So i then profile its DNA, at that point if the genetic results show its a duck i review my evidence.
Dosnt matter how badly i want it to be a chicken, if the evidence says its a duck....... I grab the plum sauce and cook it like a duck.
I am working on something I really believe could change the future, i am aware this is a claim that is dangerous to make. My research is being done step by step, i take great care to disprove my theory, I let the evidence lead me and not my desire to make a difference. The two projects I am working on are part funded by my business, one is looking into how to solve the PM10 exhaust problem. this research so far has gone my way, slowly i am reaching the point i need to start considering patents.
The other is even bolder, bio methane as a fuel source. What is different with my research is the organism and the concept, i have diverged from the norm in regards to bio methane reactor design, instead i am copying a concept from nature. Two years in and i still have a way to go, i want to improve what is mainly an inefficient but workable process, into an efficient one. This part I am close to finishing, already Kg for kg of starting material i can get 84% more energy out than any other system on the market. But this isnt enough, the science behind the theory tells me i should be able to get at least 400% better output than most other systems, so i know mine isnt optimized yet.
The other problem i am working on is harder, anaerobic organisms in digesters are extremely sensitive to the environment. They take a while to settle and get going, so instead i am looking at making a organism, actually i am taking yeast and fusing the plasmids from some methogenic bacteria and fusing into the nucleus. The desire is to get a easy to handle organism to make methane, so instead of giving CO2 i want yeast to give me methane.
Science tells me that methane is made from hydrogen and Carbon dioxide, so its unlikely I can get yeast to make alcohol and methane. The theory tells me this is lead into gold type thinking, actually its likely i will dump the 18 months work on yeast, my results are leading to a conclusion that it wont work. But that is ok, i will go with the evidence. I am also working on another organism, this one is showing much more promise. Its much harder to fuse plasmids into or to make a plasmid for it, which is why i had to invest in a electroporation machine, i could have heat shocked the cells, but the other way works better.
My view is alot like the Edison battery, i am young enough to be arrogant and think some things have been missed, or advances in technology mean we can revisit old technology and improve with modern techniques. This is similar to what you do, but there is a really big difference. If i make a bold claim i do the science to gather my evidence, i dont look for proof, i tend to try and stay neutral. I normally have one or two sounding boards with knowledge in the area or use places like this. When people tell me it wont work and give me reasons, i go away and investigate the ideas they have proposed.
I do not ignore people because it dosnt fit with what i believe, i use the input to make my method more robust. The reactor idea is in my mind very obvious, it would be so easy for me to just think people have completely overlooked it.
Instead I have tried to find out why the common thinking lays one way, this has encouraged me because there is a fundamental misconception on how some forms of nature make Methane. I also know by extensive literature searches that the niche i am looking at, has mainly been guided to look at a specific area. most of the methane work focuses on how to get certain organisms not to make methane or to lower the amount they make.
I want the reverse and there is little research into that area. Now lets just think a minuet, IF i did get yeast to make ethanol and produce methane efficiently (it cant actually happen BTW), then that is Nobel prize territory. It wont happen, the evidence tells me it is likely to lead to a dead end. But i need to conclude the experiment and look at all avenues before I go onto the other organism.
I have printed out my lab notes on this, pages of careful experiments and measuring. So far 4037 pages in size 8 font (trying to save paper) if i print the files out, the world is looking at different renewable solutions, in my area its wind turbines and solar. Very little money for Bio Methane research, but I do have a university lab that test some of my results. There results agree with mine, i dont work with them directly, unfortunately they would insist in making the process open source. This is a project I consider to be commercial.
So to conclude.
STOP talking utter nonsense, TEACH a single concept at a time. Show a MOTOR, show a GENERATOR and explain the function and working of these. Then by all means combine them and show this can be done, but blow the smoke away and break the mirrors. Measure on nice simple analogue gauges what each side produces/uses, analogue gauges are very good for kids, they are visual. But whatever you do dont simply combine the two things and declare its some kind of special principle. It is not special, it is confusing and it teaches NOTHING.
Why do i get so angry? I have done Drosophila genetic experiments with the school kids, on of the kids aged 12 didnt know ANYTHING about reproduction, he seriously thought Budgies in his grans cage bred by looking at themselves in the mirror! Yeah sounds funny dosnt it, well actually it didnt sound funny to me at all. That 12 year old is more than capable of getting another 12 year old pregnant, and who's fault would that of been? What would you say to that boy as he kept insisting he could not be dad because they took all the mirrors out the room?
See it really isnt funny to mislead kids, when they ask difficult questions then its a duty to answer them, if they old enough to ask then they are old enough to hear the truth.
I have so far resisted the temptation to post you tube videos, they take alot of time up and if i did do it, then it would be videos to help my business. But keep up giving out wrong info, and the moment i see youngsters buying your BS i will post videos debunking yours in every detail, i promise i will expose you as a menace to young minds. I am 17.5 (ok actually 17.7). I am sure you feel you could handle bad publicity on you tube and other places, i am sure you think you could teach me a few things in science.
Ok big shot, throw the best at me you can. I will copy your nonsense, but I will show the measurements (you know the bits you avoid). You can afford a couple of cheap meters, use them and show people the figures. Disprove your theory with real science, this means facts and figures. Love is one the few things hard to explain with a measurement (actually its not, you could measure hormone levels) but most things can be measured and proved or disproved.
kid you are losing the details ......important details ...look on my website on rotating magnetic field device.....and you will was a crypted mesage in the small everybody knows that except you and tcm.......The earth is a good point, yes the bit you stand on is often flat. but you cant decide from that square meter of earth, the entire world is flat, you got to step back far enough to get a decent perspective. I am so sick of the amount of global problems stacking up, and the decreasing number of people able to deal with them. So training stupidity into the next generation of minds, does not make me happy.
Toolbar when i read your first couple of posts, its very clear your the student. Dont start telling me your some bright intelligent master of knowledge when you talk so much ****, dont insult my intelligence, trust me even at my age, peeing on me and trying to convince me its raining dosnt sit well.
Ok Grass hopper, lets have it.hey kid! wrong again . If you wish to learn from tcm .....good luck!!!! is already written in the he knows....
kid you are losing the details ......important details ...look on my website on rotating magnetic field device.....and you will was a crypted mesage in the small everybody knows that except you and tcm.......
for me is cleared we do not have the same " karma " for me you are just a" no man " and you are the only one in the world.....
hey kid! wrong again . If you wish to learn from tcm .....good luck!!!! is already written in the he knows....