Unsolicited Personal Inmail

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New Member
Hi, I don't really know how this can happen? In my personal inmail, I recieved a post requesting help with a project! Problem I have is that the originator of the message has not posted anywhere in this forum and a search for his/her name does not result in a single hit??? (Zero Posts or Name recognition)

The tone of the request is such that it is very obvious that he/she does not know me.

I have ignored this message and not replied .

Can some moderator help me here and tell me wheteher to delete the message or is this a security issue that needs to be followed up??

Cheers RH
I would guess that it is someone who has registered but not posted. Was there a user name?

Like Pommie says, post the username so we can check - but it's most likely that he hasn't replied to the confirmation email, so isn't registered. This doesn't stop him PM'ing though, as I get various PM's from people in this situation (which a moderator can do nothing about).
Hi, Pommie , yes there was User name and as such I would have thought that a search on that User name would have yielded something (anything, eg member status, but nothing)
I am definitely no Heavyweight (not even a tiniest Fly weight) in this forum so I am quite puzzled as to why this email was sent to me with no reference to my name regarding a subject of which I have no knowledge .
Contents of message

I have not used the user name here, In case this is a genuine request in which case he/she should open a post in projects or such.

Perhaps, I will just delete the message. The whole thing seems strange to me

Cheers RH
hi HAL,
I get these PM's also, where the sender hasnt registered,, just delete them.
Hi HAL I too feel the same.
Any discussion and enlightening them, I fear could amount counceling a wrong person for his designs. If I am in your position, I would prefer to neglect him by a simple reply to post a regular message on the forum.
I disable my PM for that reason. I turned it on again once for 1 day and got 2 help requests.
Thanks Guys,
I am just a starter here myself and I did not understand that you can get personal mail from someone and not get any data on that person when you do a search on that username. Nigel has assured me that this is posible so I will delete the request. I guess if an experienced member gets a request for help , he /she will find this not abnormal and probably not query the request for help. I, as a very inexperienced member found it very strange.

I just politely tell them to post on the open forum as everyone can help and not just me. Then if they keep PMing me, I tell them to GTFO and add them to my ignore list.
I had one of those emails too in my private inbox of this forum a few days ago.

I did not reply. the person had 0 posts against his name.

The user name was prathosh
That story in my PM was exactly the same as you quoted above, RetiredHal

The whole idea of an open forum IMO is to discuss matters and see what solutions we can find amongst other members to solve them.

Not too hide them in PM emails.
Reactions: vdd
I've had a few of these. I think we should have a thread where we name and shame and Nigel can get the boot in after that.
I got a message from him today and i used it to counsel him to realize , what damage he caused to himself. he promptly replied that he did not know, and he has done in good faith thinking that it was the procedure. he has sincerely expressed sorry too. I frankly told him as to how to convey your feeling to others!!! perhaps this person would not, i believe, repeat this method from now on.

By the way, I remember to have seen that a member would be be eligible to post a PM until he posts at least a predetermined open posts, thus enable himself. Also, if possible, there could be a brief list (bulletted of course) that the terms and disciplinary conditions, before a person is allowed to become a member. He / she has to tick to the effect of agreeing to the conditions. A caution can also be built in that in case of violation, the member could be banned for a predetermined period or permanently. I request the administrator to please try to see the practicability of the above suggestions,

all this I am suggesting with no dis regard to new comers and perhaps in their interest for as precaution only.
seeking apology

i sincerely apologize before everyone to whom i sent a private message.Actually i joined this site only 5 days ago and i didn't had any sort of knowledge about this forum.in fact i thought that sending PM was the way to communicate.I just wanted to discuss about my project but unfortunately and unknowing i committed a blunder. Once again i ask you people to pardon me and very very sorry for disturbing you people.Now this is my first post! and i learn t a lesson.i promise that i never send a private message further.I am very very sorry
i sincerely apologize before everyone to whom i sent a private message.Actually i joined this site only 5 days ago and i didn't had any sort of knowledge about this forum.in fact i thought that sending PM was the way to communicate.I just wanted to discuss about my project but unfortunately and unknowing i committed a blunder. Once again i ask you people to pardon me and very very sorry for disturbing you people.Now this is my first post! and i learn t a lesson.i promise that i never send a private message further.I am very very sorry

Your apology is accepted.
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