I've decided to build a little timer that I can use when cooking but I'm running it off 5V not the conventional 9V. I was thinking about building an adjustable timer and combining it with a pulsed alarm that would have an LED, buzzer etc as an output.
But since I haven't studied Electonics in over 30 years I'm struggling with designing the circuit on paper ! I need help writing the project on paper so that I can see how the adjustable timer will join to the pulsed alarm etc and what values I need for certain resistors.
Note: I can use 555 timers, capacitors, variable resistors, buzzers, LDR, LEDs so I'm not short of electrical equipment, I'm only short on brains at the moment.
If anyone could sketch a quick drawing of a simple timer that can count down from lets say 2 minutes and then produce a high output to turn the LED on and make the buzzer oscillate every 2 seconds. It would be very helpful.
But since I haven't studied Electonics in over 30 years I'm struggling with designing the circuit on paper ! I need help writing the project on paper so that I can see how the adjustable timer will join to the pulsed alarm etc and what values I need for certain resistors.
Note: I can use 555 timers, capacitors, variable resistors, buzzers, LDR, LEDs so I'm not short of electrical equipment, I'm only short on brains at the moment.
If anyone could sketch a quick drawing of a simple timer that can count down from lets say 2 minutes and then produce a high output to turn the LED on and make the buzzer oscillate every 2 seconds. It would be very helpful.