RSSI locator

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New Member
I want to be able to locate an small object in a 3D space much like GPS using an RF transmitters and receiver(s) and the RSSI output signal.

The space will be no bigger then 3m x 3m and the transmitters will be located on the 3 to 4 walls of the box.

Which IC products do you recommend that are best suited for this application?


RF won't work. Antennas just don't work that way.

Accelerometers, optic, magnetic, acoustic tracking will work, each with different tradeoffs.
Dead reckoning in a 3m square using radio frequencies and signal strength? Smarter people than you or I would have a hard time on something like that on a scale of hundreds or thousands of feet let alone 3 meters. Some form of acoustic signaling would be more reasonable.
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