Really dumb question (seriously; really dumb)

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New Member
Around the forum here, people have signatures with apostrophes in them. Before the apostrophe there is a slash (/), however. What is this all about? Is it some programming thing?

Sorry for my... umm... well... ya know!
hi marks,

I use the '/' when doing a drawing or text to indicate a NOT signal as I cant print a 'bar' over the text.

I suppose a guy using it before his name means its 'NOT ME' or he could mean
he should get knotted!. Dunno ?
I know that it can mean the NOT signal. Here is an example (oznog's signature)

Oznog's Sig said:
I thought what I\'d do was I\'d pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes.
thats a programming thing, you need to 'escape' the single quote (typically with a back slash), since it's used to indicate certain things depending on what language you're programming in.

why the need to do it in a text post on a forum, I dunno?!
Marks256 said:
I know that it can mean the NOT signal. Here is an example (oznog's signature)

Who else here does this? I take his to be read either I or I'd, but that dosn't make any sense to me, but then again his sig dosn't make any sense to me either way. Maybe he will read this topic and chime in on it, or maybe just PM him and ask
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