Multiplexed signals to drive large 7 segment leds

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I was going to run a 12v feed to the hand held remote from the main display.
The remote has a 5v regulator on the circuit board for the microcontroller and small 7segment display. The data lines from the µc to the large display will be at 5v level. The cable between the remote and the large display is going to be 6 foot long or 2 meters. Will I have a problem sending signals that far?

That last dwg Iss2 shows a 10ft cable link between the small display to the large display.
The new ic pcb [ULN etc] must be close to the small display unit
So I should house the 74ls04's and the uln2803a together with remote circuit board. What about the 74ls07? Will it be ok close to the remote(10' away from large display)?
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All the ic's on the drawing must be close to the small display pcb, the pcb that has the PIC onboard.
I'm going to get transistors and start etching the boards. I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you so much for your help!!
I m new to this site. I have come up with a problem, hoping a solution here.
Well! The objective is to design a 4 digit 7 segment display as a independent module. With data input which will be latched till it is changed again and selection line. I have to use about 12 such displays (4digits x 12). The controller must be able to select a particular module and write the 4 digit data.
I m using P89V51RD2. As still stuck up with this basic design I haven't drawn the schematics yet.
*Some ideas which I thought were to use a 4511 IC for each digit to latch.
I think there must be some other best way to implement that. Please help me out.

ilias; you should have started a new thread, this one is over a year old.
How do i post anew thread

From main page, "Electronic Projects Design/Ideas/Reviews"
Thare is a blue button box at the top and bottum on the left that reads "Create New Thread"
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