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I was going to design a grow light made out of LEDs as seen here
Planning on going with 10mm LEDs
Red - Red LED (46 in total)
Blue - Blue LED (20 in total)
Purple - UV LED (14 in total)
Orange -Infra Red LED (10 in total)
I was going to set it up like this, but obviously a lot more LEDs, just making sure I have the right way of setting them up, if there is a better way please help me out (Sorry this diagram is terribly bad and probably a bit wrong but I hope you can understand it) Just use your mind to add on the extra LEDs theres going to be 46 red, 20 blue ect.
And Do I need capacitors or is it fine without?
How do I find out how many ohms the POT should have for each section of lights so it can be completely shut off or dimmed to any ammount? (So each color can be dimmed on its on, so Red's Pot is different from the Blue's POT)
Whats the best way to tell how much amps a certain gauge of wire can hold?
I was told glass LEDs last longer than plastic, is this true? How do I tell the difference between glass or plastic when ordering from a site?
If the place I'm buying from doesn't give me the current or voltage needed for the LEDs is there another way to find that out?
I'm planning to do this off a old computer power supply, my voltage meter says the red wire on the power supply gives me 5.3 V but on the case it says it puts out 5v, should I use the resistance for what the power supply says it should give out or for the reading I am getting
I chose a computer supply because allows other addons for people that can't do this kind of stuff such as a miniature computer fans and also since it gives off enough power to power multiple of these lights.
Planning on going with 10mm LEDs
Red - Red LED (46 in total)
Blue - Blue LED (20 in total)
Purple - UV LED (14 in total)
Orange -Infra Red LED (10 in total)
I was going to set it up like this, but obviously a lot more LEDs, just making sure I have the right way of setting them up, if there is a better way please help me out (Sorry this diagram is terribly bad and probably a bit wrong but I hope you can understand it) Just use your mind to add on the extra LEDs theres going to be 46 red, 20 blue ect.
And Do I need capacitors or is it fine without?
How do I find out how many ohms the POT should have for each section of lights so it can be completely shut off or dimmed to any ammount? (So each color can be dimmed on its on, so Red's Pot is different from the Blue's POT)
Whats the best way to tell how much amps a certain gauge of wire can hold?
I was told glass LEDs last longer than plastic, is this true? How do I tell the difference between glass or plastic when ordering from a site?
If the place I'm buying from doesn't give me the current or voltage needed for the LEDs is there another way to find that out?
I'm planning to do this off a old computer power supply, my voltage meter says the red wire on the power supply gives me 5.3 V but on the case it says it puts out 5v, should I use the resistance for what the power supply says it should give out or for the reading I am getting
I chose a computer supply because allows other addons for people that can't do this kind of stuff such as a miniature computer fans and also since it gives off enough power to power multiple of these lights.
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