Every year I have to make 20 new circuit boards because the old ones are worthless. 2D batteries last about 1 year and LED wires rust completely through about the same time batteries die. Transistor wire rust completely though too. There never seems to be much rust on capacitors that is strange? Zip lock plastic bags were terrible now I use glass jars with air tight lids but still rust away. I tried open jars in AC in low humidity put new PC board with new parts & new batteries in the jars the screw lids on tight they still have water condense inside jars and parts all rust. I have tried incasing circuit boards in candle wax but wires still rust away.
Something interesting I noticed, circuit boards laying around on the work bench and shelves in the open air never rust but parts in jars do? That seems crazy to me.
LED flasher security lights are all outside in the weather 6 months of rain all winter & spring. You can see water condensed inside some of these jars. I was thinking about putting jars, batteries, PC board, lid in the freezer then open freezer and screwing on the lids quick, not sure if that will work or not?
Jars are working much better than zip lock plastic bags wires on PC boards have no rust but LED wire & Transistor wires rust completely away & those parts fall completely off of the PC boards.
Any ideas?
Something interesting I noticed, circuit boards laying around on the work bench and shelves in the open air never rust but parts in jars do? That seems crazy to me.
LED flasher security lights are all outside in the weather 6 months of rain all winter & spring. You can see water condensed inside some of these jars. I was thinking about putting jars, batteries, PC board, lid in the freezer then open freezer and screwing on the lids quick, not sure if that will work or not?
Jars are working much better than zip lock plastic bags wires on PC boards have no rust but LED wire & Transistor wires rust completely away & those parts fall completely off of the PC boards.
Any ideas?
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