Junebug / ICD

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Well-Known Member
how does one test out some code using a Junebug connected with the con2 port and a 5 cond ribbon cable to a board w/ several LEDs and a PIC.
can program the PIC but running a test of the board and the LEDs (current draw total = 30ma, using large resistors)
probally should have stuck this post in the Junebug help but that post is getting way toooo long.
lots of info and help in that post.
Download the Inchworm quick start poster in my Download section. Junebug & Inchworm connect to target projects the same way, same signals as the PICkit2 or ICD2.
thanks bill will give it a try

trying to include a sub program but keep getting error
unable to open file
trying to merg these two together

// 18F1320@ 8MHz - they are just used here for clarity...
Device = 18F1320
Clock = 8

Include "ISRTimer.bas"          

// constant ID to 4 * 16 bit timers...
   Timer1 = 0,
   Timer2 = 1,
   Timer3 = 2,
   Timer4 = 3
// OnTimer1 event...
Event OnTimer1()
   Toggle(PORTB.0)//pin 8
End Event

// OnTimer2 event...
//Event OnTimer2()
 //  Toggle(PORTB.1)// pin 9
//End Event

// OnTimer3 event...
//Event OnTimer3()
  // Toggle(PORTB.2)//pin 17
//End Event

// activate the timer module...

// initialise the timers - refresh every 1000Hz (1ms)...
Timer.Items(Timer1).Interval = 5        // 50ms
Timer.Items(Timer1).OnTimer = OnTimer1   // timer event handler
//Timer.Items(Timer2).Interval = 10       // 250ms
//Timer.Items(Timer2).OnTimer = OnTimer2   // timer event handler
//Timer.Items(Timer3).Interval = 15       // 500ms
//Timer.Items(Timer3).OnTimer = OnTimer3   // timer event handler
Timer.Items(Timer4).Interval = 2000      // 2000ms, no event handler

// enable the timers...
Timer.Items(Timer1).Enabled = true
//Timer.Items(Timer2).Enabled = true
//Timer.Items(Timer3).Enabled = true
Timer.Items(Timer4).Enabled = true

// start processing all timers...

// main program loop...
While true
   // this is a polled timer, not event driven - check to see
   // if it has timeout...
   If Not Timer.Items(Timer4).Enabled Then
      Toggle(PORTB.1)//pin 9
      Toggle(PORTB.1)//pin 18
      Timer.Items(Timer4).Enabled = true//runs for 15 minutes2000ms
Device = 18F1320
Clock = 8 // 8MHz clock
Include "timermodule4.bas"

Dim TMR1IE As PIE1.0
Dim TMR1IF As PIR1.0
Dim TMR1 As TMR1L.AsWord
Dim Speaker As PORTB.3
Dim SpeakerTris As TRISB.3

Dim Amp As PORTB.1 // turns on amp power
Dim AmpTris As TRISB.1//turns on amp pin 9
Dim Speed As Word
Dim dip1 As PORTA.0

Dim dip2 As PORTA.1

Dim dip3 As PORTA.2

Dim dip4 As PORTA.3

Dim dipRD As PORTB.0

//global variables
Dim Seed As LongWord, Tone As Byte
Dim i As Byte

//half period delays = clock speed divided by 2*frequency
Const Tones(18) As Word = (2000000/12000,2000000/10000,2000000/8000,2000000/6000,2000000/4000,1000,

//interrupt routine
Interrupt MyInt()
          T1CON.0=0 //stop timer
          TMR1=-Tones(Tone) //reset period
          T1CON.0=1 //restart timer
If Tone=5 Then //if silence
   Speaker=0 //speaker off
Else //otherwise
Toggle(Speaker) //make sound

TMR1IF=0 //clear interrupt flag
End Interrupt

Function Rand(Range As Byte) As Byte
Dim i As Byte, feed As Bit, temp As Word
For i = 0 To 7 //generate 8 bits
    Feed = Seed.30 Xor Seed.27 //make new bit
    Seed=Seed*2+Feed //shift seed left and add new bit
    Temp=(Seed And 255) * Range //change Rand from 0 to 255
    Rand = Temp/256 //to 0 to (Range-1)
End Function

//main code starts here


//main code starts here

       OSCCON = $72            //select 8MHz internal clock
       NOT_RBPU=0              //WPUs on port B
       ADCON1=$7f              //all digital
       TRISB.0=0               //make output
       PORTB.0=1 //makes pin 8 high for dip switches
       T1CON = %10000001       //pre=1
       T1CON = %10000001 //pre=1
       Tone=5 //no sound please
       TMR1IE=1 //enable timer 1 interrupt
Enable(MyInt) //set interrupt going
SpeakerTris=0 //Setup Port
Seed=$12345678 //seed random number
        TRISA =%00001111          //sets your inputs on porta 
While(TRUE) //repeat forever

    If dip1=1 Then //dip1 pin 1
    If dip2=1 Then // dip 2 pin 2
    If dip3=1 Then //dip3 pin 6
    If dip4=1 Then //dip4 pin 
       Speed=Rand(10)*15+15    //Speed = 25 to 250 random select speed
If PORTB.1=0 Then //if button 1 pressed add PIR=1 here pin 9
For i = 1 To 200 //play 20 tones
    Tone=Rand(5) //each tone is random frequency
DelayMS(Speed) //and for 1.00 seconds
Next //end for loop
Else //otherwise
     Tone=5 //silence
     i=Rand(255) //make rand more random
EndIf //end if condition
Wend //end of while loop

the first is the timer and the second is the random sound code.
the timer times for about 20 minutes between triggering pin 9 of the 18F1320

maybe because I have the first few lines the same?(the osc and device etc?)
this basic stuff is a lot to learn
error message

after hitting F12 I get {unable to open timermodule4 file}
could it be that "}" on the top?

or maybe is it in the same directory?

or is the filename too long?
Both load seperatly just fine

its when I put the INCLUDE "timermoduel4.bas" into the first program.
will try and shorten the file name.
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