I'm building a circuit that is powered off a rectified 3 phase supply (when rectified is about 600V). The control part of the circuit is 5V.
I'm having a few problems figuring out how to easily provide a 5V power source to the control circuit. Normally I would just use a 5V regulator, but normally I have power supplies that are 12V to 24V.
I can't use a transformer (into one of the AC phases) because of tight size and cost restrictions. I thought about using a zener diode in series with a resistor across the 600V load, but the control circuit will probably draw around 100mA and the zener probably won't be able to handle that.
I'm sure somebody out there knows a better way to do this...
I'm building a circuit that is powered off a rectified 3 phase supply (when rectified is about 600V). The control part of the circuit is 5V.
I'm having a few problems figuring out how to easily provide a 5V power source to the control circuit. Normally I would just use a 5V regulator, but normally I have power supplies that are 12V to 24V.
I can't use a transformer (into one of the AC phases) because of tight size and cost restrictions. I thought about using a zener diode in series with a resistor across the 600V load, but the control circuit will probably draw around 100mA and the zener probably won't be able to handle that.
I'm sure somebody out there knows a better way to do this...