This is my first attempt at designing a PC board, your help in correcting errors will be much appreciated. The input signal is 25kHz PWM from an open drain output. Maximum power dissipation in the pass transistor will be 2 watts for 1 second or less at start-up, continuous dissipation will be 1 watt or less. The gate resistor is purposely large to limit the output slew. The board will be 1 oz copper on both sides.
1) Will the heat sink be adequate for 30 degrees C ambient in still air?
2) Will RFI from input transistor switching be an issue?
Thanks in advance for you help.
This is my first attempt at designing a PC board, your help in correcting errors will be much appreciated. The input signal is 25kHz PWM from an open drain output. Maximum power dissipation in the pass transistor will be 2 watts for 1 second or less at start-up, continuous dissipation will be 1 watt or less. The gate resistor is purposely large to limit the output slew. The board will be 1 oz copper on both sides.
1) Will the heat sink be adequate for 30 degrees C ambient in still air?
2) Will RFI from input transistor switching be an issue?
Thanks in advance for you help.