Comparison of single board computers

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Active Member
Here's a fairly recent article comparing single board computers that I spotted elsewhere.

**broken link removed**
A very detailed and comprehensive review of a large number of SBC's

Also checkout the Downloads menu.

In that article the Odroid really stands out and looking at the options page really does open it up for decent small factor pc a whole heap smaller than the board this computer is running. Now the intel boards running a i3 and soon a i5 cpu does sound like bang for buck a match box sized full blown winsucks 7 puter running on flea power.

The pi is getting left behind at a great pace and as one of the replies did say a good few were left out.

Now where I was thinking of getting a secondhand laptop to use in my work van a flea powered Odroid is starting to look better and better or even one of those intel ones.

Great Link Edeca and thanks mate

Regards Bryan
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