So I'm trying to get a bird scarer done with the use of a 555 and RCWL-0516(microwave sensor) and a 9V solar panel , but I can't figure out how to properly implement the RCWL into the circuit.
I was thinking about doing it with an Arduino, but from what I've read it should be able to work with a 555 IC + I'm not sure if the 9V will be enough
I know that the diode will take +- 0.7V (I put it there to stop reverse voltage, yet I dunno if it's ok)
I'm also not sure about the resistors and capacitators, cuz I tried to re-do a timer circuit.
And also I dunno if the RCWL should be connected as it is.
Thanks for the answers
I was thinking about doing it with an Arduino, but from what I've read it should be able to work with a 555 IC + I'm not sure if the 9V will be enough
I know that the diode will take +- 0.7V (I put it there to stop reverse voltage, yet I dunno if it's ok)
I'm also not sure about the resistors and capacitators, cuz I tried to re-do a timer circuit.
And also I dunno if the RCWL should be connected as it is.
Thanks for the answers