I'm working on a circuit board design for my own use. Since it will have a pretty limited application, I decided to go with the QTY 2 assembly option instead of 10. This board has 5 ICs from the extended list, as expensive as $4 each.
I was kind of shocked when I submitted my files, and the cost to build two boards was over $100. I looked through the BOM, and one line totaled almost $40. Huh? Reading the fine print, there were minimum quantity requirements of 5 or 10 pieces for some of the extended parts.
Ok, so what's the cost to make 10 boards? Not quite $10 more! This is a no-brainer. For $10 more, I'll get 10 boards instead of two, and I'll have some to share if somebody is interested.
This will only be the situation if some relatively costly extended components are used.
I was kind of shocked when I submitted my files, and the cost to build two boards was over $100. I looked through the BOM, and one line totaled almost $40. Huh? Reading the fine print, there were minimum quantity requirements of 5 or 10 pieces for some of the extended parts.
Ok, so what's the cost to make 10 boards? Not quite $10 more! This is a no-brainer. For $10 more, I'll get 10 boards instead of two, and I'll have some to share if somebody is interested.
This will only be the situation if some relatively costly extended components are used.