I've finished laying out a board where I needed a few LED indicators and I decided to use a few WS2812Bs as a quick way to get some flexibility at the cost of only one port pin.
The JLCPCB assembly library lists several different WS2812 versions, so adding a few to my board was a piece of cake. Until I looked at the BOM. The addressable LEDs were not included in the parts to be assembled. The component says eligible for assembly, with plenty of stock, but the BOM says no.
Has anybody had any boards with addressable LEDs assembled by JLC?
The JLCPCB assembly library lists several different WS2812 versions, so adding a few to my board was a piece of cake. Until I looked at the BOM. The addressable LEDs were not included in the parts to be assembled. The component says eligible for assembly, with plenty of stock, but the BOM says no.
Has anybody had any boards with addressable LEDs assembled by JLC?