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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

amplifier circuit

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New Member
i am interested in making a small amplifier, much like the smokey amphere, small enough to fit into a cigarette box, and obviously the circuit has to work on a small speaker, say .5w, i was wondering how i could lower the output of a regular amplifier circuit so that it gives off around .5w so that i can use a smaller speaker, and prferably run it off a 9v battery.
any diagrams would be helpful
Looks like you search for a LM386 application:
**broken link removed**

Its a nice low power amp and the circuitry is very simple ...

low voltage amplifier

:D hi, seen your post and the reply you got was LM386. Its a nice device, very simple circuit and it operates at a wide voltage range, however if you're looking for a transistor circuit operating only at 6v, i have designed one and have been using it to drive a 4" 8ohm 4w speaker. It give a good clean high & midrange. if you're interested just say so. :D
small 6v amp

:D okay heres the parts you need:
1. 9014 3 pcs. (used for input and driver stage)
2. 5610 or B562 NPN 5609 or D468 PNP (used as output )

I dont have your email add. mine is or any of address will do. as soon as i have add. i will email the schematic. :D
email address

:( hey man the address you sent cant be reach, sorry! :oops: :

heres the simple circuit diagram of the mini guitar amp, any questions pls feel free to do so thru my email add. :D


  • 1_201.jpg
    148.1 KB · Views: 11,100
cant understand your post

:?: hoffball, i dont get ur msg. sorry. :?
amp circuit

thanks for those lads, but does it say on the LM386 what type of transistors to use? i couldnt see it. and is there any way to add some nice tone potentioometers to the circuitry of your circuit mozicluv?

thanks again
lm386 for guitar amp

:D hey erp,

there's no need for the transistors, the lm386 will do the job as a small guitar amp. as you can see on the schem there are no transistors involve.

the other amp which i was talking is another amp operating at 6v. am not recommending this as a guitar amp. you may use this on other audio purposes and besides i have not tried it as a guitar amp. you may try but you have to alter the input stage.

if you still want the circuit of this 6v amp 1.3w i can post it here. :wink:
amp circuit

do you mean buy the lm386 chip?
i cant find anywhere that sells them and on that site i think you have to buy them in the hundred thousands. i only want a few :(

yes that other amp would be tasty thanks, im trying to get as much stuff as possible.
guitar amp circuit

:D erp,

i'll try to find the sub for that, but for the meantime is KA2201 available in your place? :cry:
LM386 datasheet

i saw the scribbled circuit diagramme and thought you 'd bette get a datasheet. I live in Europe and bought the LM386 a few days before. It costs about 1.50 Euro. It is easy to handle and i made a stereo-ampflifier that i always use instead of the getthoblaster in my room (my parents do always complain how loud it is)
always glad to help anyone


    213.2 KB · Views: 467

the smokey guitar amp has an overdrive to obtain those crunchy tones...i was lookin to make a little amp that runs off a 9v battery and has that gain, wattage isnt important aslong as the tone can be obtained...i can find a speaker to match.

Any help would be much obliged

Thanx :D

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