So I been looking at these addressable LEDs and it seems that it's somewhat difficult to get started with them because of the non-standard protocol. I was thinking of running them with a PIC18F56K42 which can be clocked up to 64MHz. The required period of the WS2813 according to the datasheet is 1.25uS.
I'm first trying to understand why some suggest programming the pic must be done in assembly or using the CLC. Running at 64MHz I would get an instruction cycle of 64MHz/4 = 16MHz or 64.5ns per instruction. Wouldn't this suffice to generate the required timing required if programmed in C?
Has anyone here have tried these out?
I'm first trying to understand why some suggest programming the pic must be done in assembly or using the CLC. Running at 64MHz I would get an instruction cycle of 64MHz/4 = 16MHz or 64.5ns per instruction. Wouldn't this suffice to generate the required timing required if programmed in C?
Has anyone here have tried these out?