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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

7555 pulsating led

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Well-Known Member
designing a Statue of Liberty lapel pin for the 4th of July 2023'
have two similar schematics for a pulsating led (white 3mm led) but the capacitors are electrolytic caps that are larger than 3mm in diameter (have only 1/4 inch height restriction. THINKING of maybe using a titanium cap or? need to order parts but the capacitor size?
both of the schematics are basically the same.


  • Schematic_7555#2_2023-03-11.png
    196.9 KB · Views: 282
This is for a blinky led, so I doubt accuracy matters much
I would agree for a throw away kind of device.

But goal was to avoid the Epilepsy problem, and in a crowd if everyone flashing at a different
rate that would be odd.

But to your point we do not know the over all OP criteria or goals, just a smattering.

Regards, Dana.
I did a sim with an OpAmp as follows :


I moved one trigger edge 400 mV and got a period change of 170 mS on a rough period of 1 sec,
so if I move the other edge as well I am thinking tolerance >> 20% for sure. Note OpAmp allows
use of small cap, eg leakage << Schmidt. So if we go back to using Schmidt, and its leakage, we have
to use electrolytic and much smaller R, then we have its error to heap on top of this. And I have not
done V supply variation on top of all this.

Could be OP does not care if its once per year or once per uS :) then we dont care.

Regards, Dana. has written many cool magnetic, electronic & physics browser applications. The one I use all the time is the javascript version while the original one was Java based and is obsolete for many browsers.

It has dozens of built-in designs and many basic parts including arc gaps, motors, LED where you need to know how to choose the parameters. for 5mm LEDs , I use 2.1V @ 0.02A for 3.1V @ 0.02A then choose any color is just cosmetic with sliders. Drawing is much like LTSpice but simpler with rubber-band stretch on end points or vertical or horizontal by sweeping. and of course ^Z= undo with many other hotkeys. You can "export (design to a) link", then "create a shortcut" then "copy" it as I did above.

Mr. Falstad also has an analog filter app (passive & active) and a Fourier transform app with standard waveforms that you can play with in log amplitude and phase and then hear it.
A 10 M resistor in a hand-built circuit? Fingerprint oil has less resistance and would shift the frequency.

if you can smudge a piece of epoxy with your fingerprints and measure < 10M I would be extremely surprised. They would have to be smeared in peanut butter. ;) Of course, your fingertips still attached to the leads would alter R but that depends on pressure * area
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