Since I have a number of large LCD's which require negative voltage for the glass (-8 to -25V @ 8mA max) rather than buying up some max637's or something, I decided to set myself the challenge of coming up with a relatively 'simple' inverting buck boost converter. Input should be 5v output sohuld be fairily well regulated at -12v (we'll work on -25v later) as only a few mA.
Now, switched capacitor converters are great but they don't really do 5 to -12 conversion, mainly just invert polarity of the input voltage.
So far, I have come up with this. Not as simple as I would have liked but it 'seems' to work in LTspice switched CAD at least.
two PNP transistors, inductor, shottky diode, 555 and a few passives. Efficiency is nothing special, although, with a 1kohm load (12mA max out) seems to be roughly 72% - not bad.
Any hints, pointers, criticisms are more than welcome, since its been bugging me for hours.
Since I have a number of large LCD's which require negative voltage for the glass (-8 to -25V @ 8mA max) rather than buying up some max637's or something, I decided to set myself the challenge of coming up with a relatively 'simple' inverting buck boost converter. Input should be 5v output sohuld be fairily well regulated at -12v (we'll work on -25v later) as only a few mA.
Now, switched capacitor converters are great but they don't really do 5 to -12 conversion, mainly just invert polarity of the input voltage.
So far, I have come up with this. Not as simple as I would have liked but it 'seems' to work in LTspice switched CAD at least.
two PNP transistors, inductor, shottky diode, 555 and a few passives. Efficiency is nothing special, although, with a 1kohm load (12mA max out) seems to be roughly 72% - not bad.
Any hints, pointers, criticisms are more than welcome, since its been bugging me for hours.