I need help for building a small circuit to drive a 18 LED strip to be used as a 3rd Brake Light in my car (12V), that emulates the ones from F1 cars used in raining race.
LEDs should light in the following way:
50ms Burst Flash (1 sec aprox.)
250ms Flash (.5 sec aprox.)
On (steady until off)
I think I can use a 555 but the burst rate will be a problem...any ideas?
PS: Data from the LED strip is here:
**broken link removed**
I need help for building a small circuit to drive a 18 LED strip to be used as a 3rd Brake Light in my car (12V), that emulates the ones from F1 cars used in raining race.
LEDs should light in the following way:
50ms Burst Flash (1 sec aprox.)
250ms Flash (.5 sec aprox.)
On (steady until off)
I think I can use a 555 but the burst rate will be a problem...any ideas?
PS: Data from the LED strip is here:
**broken link removed**