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¿1 Hz oscillator?

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LApprenti Sorcier

New Member
Some of you migh have seen the posts on "Digital clock" I've been wondering what's teh easiest way of generating a precise 1 Hz frequency for the clock.

An idea I heard of is dividing by 60 the AC frequency and using that instead. (or some adaptation, but the idea remains to get the pulses from it).

Any ideas?

Also, ca anyone tell me an easy way to make one with a crystal, hopefully, very much power-efficient. (I'm planning to run another one on batteries... )

Thanks a lot!
build a 32.768kHz oscillator circuit that can output CMOS or TTL levels. You can buy the complete unit or build one using a 32k crystal. Once you have that, run it into a digital divider circuit that will divide it by (2^15) then output that result and you will have a clean, precise 1Hz clock.

The 60Hz method can work (using zero crossing detectors) but since you didnt mention how "precise" you need it, the crystal is the way to go. BTW, you dont need 32k, you could use any value that is divisible by a power of 2.

I think the power company regulates the 60Hz to something like 60Hz +/- 0.001 Hz.. maybe that is good enough for you - I dont know.
60Hz frequency

I did a search on power line frequency variations recently and came across the following:

**broken link removed**

The article indicates the power line frequency in the U.S. is normally kept to within +/- 0.05Hz of 60Hz.

A 32Khz crystal along with a CD4060B or CD4020B 14-stage divider will give you a 0.5 second output. The 4060 includes an on-chip oscillator. 32Khz is a good choice for a portable timebase, very low power consumption, cheap & good accuracy.
Hi L'Apprenti Sorcier,

what's teh easiest way of generating a precise 1 Hz
frequency for the clock.

The easiest way is to get the movement from a discarded
quartz clock.
They can be found easily.
The 1 Hz signal is precise.

If you care to pick away the plastic case and cogs,
the actual unit is quite small.

Don't forget its 1.5v and uses very little current.
I doubt if you will find an easier way,
or a more economical way.

John :)
thank you all

Thank you very much.

I've chosen to discard the AC input, for the reasons you told me and besides, if i'm already going for a portable one, there will be no disadvantage in using the same with the stationary.

Does anyone know where can I find more information on the 4060? schematic/example circuit/power specs.? I've never worked with it before...

About the quartz movement... How do i know what am I looking for inside the clock? Will any clock do?

Thanks again!
Re: thank you all

LApprenti Sorcier said:
Thank you very much.
Does anyone know where can I find more information on the 4060? schematic/example circuit/power specs.? I've never worked with it before...

Here is the circuit to get a 2Hz clock signal, using the 4060. You will need to add a divide-by-2 on the end to get 1Hz (eg, flip-flop).


  • 2Hzclock.jpg
    10.9 KB · Views: 4,514
IC 4060

Any idea of where can I get a complete specification sheet on the 4060?
power supply

I've been wondering for how long would a common battery supply a circuit like the one drawn above... any idea?

What would be the most efficient means of getting those 5V?
How much current can a 7805 give me???

divide by two

what's a common, energy efficient flip flop to divide the pulses by two?

Does anyone have a diagram for the 4013 divider? what's the difference between that one and the 4017?

I'm wondering how should i use it to divide by two?
LApprenti Sorcier said:
Does anyone have a diagram for the 4013 divider? what's the difference between that one and the 4017?

I'm wondering how should i use it to divide by two?
You mention a 4017. If you have one you can use that as a divide-by-2.
Connect the '2' output to Reset. When it counts, it will go 0 > 1 >2 which will rest it back to 0, So effectively it will count 0 > 1 > 0 > 1 etc. Take your output from either the 0 or the 1 to get the divide-by-2.
Many aplogies for replying to a vey old thread, but could someone tell me how to properly amplify the 1Hz signal coming out of the 4013 to about 3 to 4 volts? I built the circuit, but the output is a measly 160mV. Not enough to drive a decade counter.
Many aplogies for replying to a vey old thread, but could someone tell me how to properly amplify the 1Hz signal coming out of the 4013 to about 3 to 4 volts? I built the circuit, but the output is a measly 160mV. Not enough to drive a decade counter.

If that's happening you're doing something wrong. The output voltage from this circuit should be more than enough to drive another CMOS circuit.

Please post a schematic.
This is how I setup the circuit (sorry for the sucky picture)

**broken link removed**

Of course the relative pins on the 4013 are on 5v and ground.

I'm feeding the outpout of the 4060 to "clock" on 4013, feeding D into Qbar, and taking output from Q.
It's no surprise it's not working - you're trying to mix TTL with CMOS.
o you mean to say that the 4060 and 4013's are CMOS, and that's why they are not working with the TTL counters? OK, great, but regardless, why is my output voltage so low on the 4013? Or is that not a problem if I were to use CMOS counters?
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