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Worldwide lighting made 20% more efficienct.

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Nobody cares about iSotera except Flyback and those poor Angel investors. Hell can't even get a price list, you'd think they'd bother to make one. Does the OP even have an iSotera unit that he's testing, does anyone? I did email them asking for an evaluation unit (as linked to on their website) but alas no response.

I'm going to make a prediction: I say iSotera is either bought up in the next 12 months (unlikely with only 1 Patent) or vanishes completely after a 3rd round of investors piss their money away.

PS Rupert & Jack are morons.
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I think that Isotera may have a marketable niche application product if they get all the bugs out ot the design but unfortunately if Flyback is their PR department head he will sink them before they ever get their first shipment off the loading dock. :eek:

So far his sales approach is very much like a street preacher evangelist that is so overstating/overselling the facts so badly that he is doing more harm to the cause he follows than had he done nothing at all. :eek:

Had I stumbled upon their product and thought the price was reasonable I probably would have bought a system to see what it would do but now after flyback has worked his sales pitch to no end basing far too much of it on poorly conceived and highly unrealistic dream scenarios I have every intention of staying as far aways as possible and letting everyone else know why they should too. :p

BTW I had similar feeling toward Rupert and Jack. If Rupert wants to save money but is to dumb or unwilling to learn how to do his work for himself I have serious doubts that he will be able to work with the isotera system unassisted either. :p
Well your link has been far more enlightening, educational, and rational to the systems operation and applications than Flyback has proven so far. :D

The major thing I still don't like is the clunky twisted pair power lines running everywhere for powering everything. Personally I just don't care for the idea of having that running all over the place just so that I don't have to use one or two main lights in a room or whatever other application. :(

If I need portable LED lighting thats what I have headband LED headlights for. :p

I would still like to have prices on this whole system though and I wonder if they have stock available to the public yet.?

I wouldn't mind buying up a million share if it's starting out in the sub penny stocks range! ;)
I would still like to have prices on this whole system though and I wonder if they have stock available to the public yet.?
... there have been prices, because there are already customers using it.

However, regarding prices.....How much money does a rogue electrician charge?
.....Answer = an awful lot......and with isotera you dont have to deal with electricians.

As far as simplicity is concerned , the "ruperts" won't suffer, since as ronv's video showed, connecting an isotera light is like using a clothes peg on a washing line...that simple.

Thats good because 98% plus of the population really can't fathom even the simplest of electrical concepts.......they need isotera.

Theres nothing really unusual component-wise in the isotera system, so it wont be that expensive. -you won't find nano-crystalline ferrites, and certainly no GOLD plated contacts whatsoever!

By the way, there are some towns in some countries where electricians are very scarce...why?..because the most thuggish electricians have clubbed together and shall we say "intimidated" the "good" electricians out of the job.

In UK, this is acknowledged, and the UK gets round it by letting scores of Polish ELectrician groups come to UK.....they work in huge groups, and aren't so easily intimidated.
Flyback, TV tech believes you are an honest Guy caught up in nonsense..

And frustrated beyond belief. You have do try and work it all out yourself....I do not know all that has happened so far. And you probably canno't share all here anyway....

I think you need to PM me or Eric or Nigel or Ian for guidance.

Not that I wan't to get involved with this this. I have enough on my plate.....but maybe one of the Mods can give you really good advise.

Think about it

Best Regards,
OK but i think you have places like Hotels, (just one expample) where the lighting has to be gotten cant get it right first time, you have to do it again and again until its right, and you can do that with isotera....without having to call in Jack the sparky every time.
You cant just shove up a few mains fixtures and put up with that for ever more, you need to do it, then evaluate it, then re-arrange, do it again, see how it looks, do it again...etc etc............and if theres a better system for this than isotera, then i'd like to hear what it is....especially when you think that the arty types that do this are not technically minded, and having lights that are clipped on like clothes pegs is the way forward for them.

In UK, this is acknowledged, and the UK gets round it by letting scores of Polish ELectrician groups come to UK.....they work in huge groups, and aren't so easily intimidated.

How dare you slag off our immigrant workforce? They work harder for less money than a lot of british (notice the small "b") layabouts are willing to do, have better manners, are more honest, and often speak better English. Idiot.

Since you've got your racist hat on, which nation are you going to pick on next? Many are represented here.

Oh you've obviously never heard of interior designers either. They are paid to get things like hotel lighting right first time.
OK but i think you have places like Hotels, (just one expample) where the lighting has to be gotten cant get it right first time,

Cripes that's the stupidest reasoning yet. :mad:

My wife is a Interior Design Architect and believe me getting lighting right the first time is not even an issue. It's about as difficult to figure out as deciding where the carpet goes on the floor. :rolleyes:

So what's with the fixation on this product anyway? So far every reason you have came up with for its use has been either lame, outrightly wrong, solidly lacking in justification, and or outrightly just dumb sounding. :mad:

Are you autistic, bipolar, have an OCD like fixation syndrome? What's up here? :confused:
... there have been prices, because there are already customers using it.

However, regarding prices.....How much money does a rogue electrician charge?
.....Answer = an awful lot......and with isotera you dont have to deal with electricians.

How much? Who are these customers, can you name a couple? You're still going to need an electrician.
I would like to know your theory on how they would install such a system in a hotel room and not have all the wiring ripped out or the whole system stole after the first week? :confused:
They can't steal it because Rufus is still up in the attic trying to figure out how to patch the big hole that fixture made in the ceiling.

Move it to members lounge if you must, but please don't lock it down. The entertainment value is priceless. :)
Move it to members lounge if you must, but please don't lock it down. The entertainment value is priceless.

I second that! Don't kill this thread off. It's one of the more bizarrely entertaining threads I have seen here in a long time. :p

Now that I have mentioned it to be entertaining to me will all mention of Isotera products be added to the list of topics that are perma banned from all mention and discussion here? :confused:
My GrandFather is from Poland, but thats not relevant. There wasn't any Racist comment. There doesnt have to be any comment about isotera. ...OK, from now on, i promise that i won't mention "isotera", ...i was just using it as an exampe....we can just speak of "HFAC technology" and its use in whatever , say lighting, or any other application...Is this agreeable?
My GrandFather is from Poland, but thats not relevant. There wasn't any Racist comment. There doesnt have to be any comment about isotera. ...OK, from now on, i promise that i won't mention "isotera", ...i was just using it as an exampe....we can just speak of "HFAC technology" and its use in whatever , say lighting, or any other application...Is this agreeable?

What is HFAC?
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