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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Wirelesss LED through IR/RF

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New Member
I'm looking to make a wireless LED that is controlled basically by a switch that communicates with the LED through either IR or RF (Id highly prefer RF). Can anyone help me out, preferrably with the schematic? Id seen earlier someone ask for help on sumthing similar, bu t hey wanted moving LED'S. all i want is a simple LED that goes off wen u switch off and on wen u switch on and communicates with the switch thru wirelss means. (most pref RF). Thanx!
well i cant give you a schematic, but there are small radio controlled cars wich have just one command, they normally go front, you push a switch and the go back and left or right, i dont remember.
all you need is that cirucuit and thats all.
I'm tired - been working all night using Press 'n Peel to make some prototypes- so please forgive me if I seem a little slow on this one.

' I'm looking to make a wireless LED that is controlled basically by a switch that communicates with the LED through either IR or RF (Id highly prefer RF).'

LEDs are optical/IR - not RF

' all i want is a simple LED that goes off wen u switch off and on wen u switch on and communicates with the switch thru wirelss means. (most pref RF). Thanx'


Do you want...

1. An ORDINARY LED to turn on/off by remote command


2. An IR LED to receive a signal and then turn a circuit on/off when the appropriate command is received?

If you want 2. then do a google search for 'infrared led' and it should turn up a few circuits for you.

If you want 1. then try a search for 'rf remote.

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