Wireless Voting

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New Member
I'm looking for some help in knowing what electronic parts I would need to purchase to create some wireless voting devices. Think of these as being used in a class room setting, where all 25 students would have a small wireless device that they could use to vote with. These devices would have, say, a 1-4 button choice. When I ask the students to vote for either 1, 2, 3 or 4, they would press the appropriate button on these small devices, and it would communicate with some kind of receiver (right?), that the software would then count up the choices. I'm fairly new at electronics, and I have found these types of machines for sale on the web, but I don't think I've found anything cheaper than about $1,000 for such a device? I would be using a laptop computer, I'm assuming, that probably already has a wirelesss receiver? I am a software engineer, so I'm hoping that any programming I would have to do would not be a big issue. Any direction would be greatly appreciated!


What sort of budget do you have?

For 25 wireless transmitters, power supplies, a receiver and PC interface, I'd expect it to cost you a minimum of around $300. Is that going to be OK?

You'd probably want to use a 433MHz radio link per student, but then you have to work around the cross-talk and interference problems if two trasmit at the same time. Using transceivers and transmitting in turn would be neat, but thisis really pushing the price up.

Oh yes, $300 sounds a whole bunch better than at least $1,000 I've been seeing on the web. Where is a good place to purchase such hardware/software? I'm not too worried about what might happen if two people transmitted at the same time. I just believe that if people don't see 'how' you are voting, they are more likely to vote what they truly like best! If you could give me names that would go along with these transmiters, power supplies, receivers, etc., I would be greatly appreciated!
I was thinking maybe 3 or 4 channel key fob remotes for car alarms all on differant codes. These can be had as kits. but you would need to work up a recevere for them. Andy
Yipes. I'm thinking that it could be done via 802.11b/g/n. Because of the collissions and the number of transmitters, I do think you need confirmation.

I would think something like a voting machine where you would have 4 LED's and 4 buttons. When it's possible to vote, the LEDS over the approprite buttons blink. They become solid when the vote is cast and go away when the confirmation is received. They stay activated for a second reguardless.

I'd offer another mode too where the vote could not be seen. Use a multicolored LED:
GRN: Can vote
YEL: Voting
RED: Vote Cast

Still blink the buttons, and use the 1 sec thing, but don't keep it lit. Mode would depend on how the system worked. Not everyone will vote at the same time.

Use a PC at the other end.
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