Voltage Level Switch

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New Member
I have an anemometer that outputs 0-2 vdc. I want to monitor that voltage and alarm when the voltage falls below 1.5 vdc.
Does anybody have a circuit diagram with parts list.

I have an anemometer that outputs 0-2 vdc. I want to monitor that voltage and alarm when the voltage falls below 1.5 vdc.
Does anybody have a circuit diagram with parts list.

Welcome to ETO, Dan.

tronitech's advice is good. Also, try googling "Opamp comparators", they are the easiest to understand and construct.
**broken link removed** The link will give you a good overview of voltage comparators. If anything in the link confuses you just ask about it. Scroll down to Comparator Operation as that is a good example of the circuits you want, then move down to Input Offset Voltage And Hysteresis and note what is done. If you really need a drawn circuit after reading the link just ask.

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