I was wondering the best way to make a pwm audio synced led's. I want to use four led's to sync with left speaker and four to sync with right. I dont really know what I am doing but have come to understand that I will be needing some resistors at unknown values and some capacitors and maybe some other type of voltage regulator. I want to use 3v blue led's and is it also possible for me to use a 12v dc outlet plug that goes to some other device but splice the wire to use a power source that doesnt really run out like a battery?
Any help with this would be great, thx to anyone who helps.
(im a newbie to this so any understanding for my lack of knowledge would be appreaciated)
Any help with this would be great, thx to anyone who helps.
(im a newbie to this so any understanding for my lack of knowledge would be appreaciated)