shocking circuit here!!!!!1

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New Member
hi there!

id like to make a simple circuit that can kill those insects or animals ex. ipis/cakroach, daga/rat, mosqiuto/lamok, flies/langaw, and etc.

do you have one pls pm me! :arrow:

Live and let live. It's their planet too.

jaykool_56 said:
hi there!

id like to make a simple circuit that can kill those insects or animals ex. ipis/cakroach, daga/rat, mosqiuto/lamok, flies/langaw, and etc.

do you have one pls pm me! :arrow:

Interesting. I would like to see you when you are bitten by a mosquito.
jaykool_56 said:
hi there!

id like to make a simple circuit that can kill those insects or animals ex. ipis/cakroach, daga/rat, mosqiuto/lamok, flies/langaw, and etc.

do you have one pls pm me! :arrow:


There are lots of ways to kill them!
(note, these answers shall not be taken so seriously, but they can help)

#1. Take a flashlight that you hate so much, and literally smash it on one of your bugs!

#2. Get a different operating system for your computer. Is that where your bugs are, inside the OS code? :lol:

#3. If you REALLY hate bugs, run over your grass, driveway, and sidewalk with your lawnmower (even if the grass is cut), and your bugs will be chopped up.

You know, bugs aren't so bad, unless they try to hurt you.
But one excellent answer is:

Don't leave water standing around. Mosquitos love this.

for practicality, use fly traps, very effective yet very cheap. you don't need to design a circuit. But if you really want to build something to kill those pests or let say exterminate them or get rid of them. U can try making a circuit that generates high frequencies which i believe, are noise to them, which only these pests can hear. you can try researching on those frequencies.
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