Radio Shack Job

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It isn't the toughest story, but I find it pretty sadly lame when people talk tough on the internet.
Its a standard issue story where I come from. The littler guys seem to think they have a reason to pick a fight with a physically larger person. Around here you just take them out back and 'smack em round a bit'. The problems stop right there.

My niece is 7 and she was being pushed and pestered by a boy in school this year and not getting any help from the teachers.
He slapped her in the face while standing line one day. She dropped him and made him cry right in front of every one!
The principle asked a few witnesses about it and she got off free with no warning! The boy got an afternoon in detention and his parents were called about it.

No one picks on my sweetie any more either!
That works fine in elemantary, but higher up you have politics, a popular kid can smack someones lunch tray out of their hand in a crowded room and mysteriously, no one sees a thing. If the other kid fights back, somehow it just apears to them that "I don't know, that weird kid just flipped out for no reason and started beating on him"
yeah... Im glad she got away with it too!.. lol

Triode thats true. Some how over here when something happens at rush hour aka heavy traffic of people it turns into a ghost town. It makes no sense to me.
I'm a BIG believer is standing up for yourself - I've always been pretty small, and used to defending myself against bullies at school (a long time ago now).

You don't even need to win (but I always did), just go absolutely berserk and they soon give up and pick on someone less 'crazy'.

When I was about 13 years old, I had all the boys from the year above after me, half of the year above that, and even some of my own year. For 3 months or so I couldn't go to dinner, as I would have been caught in the dinner queue - and I had to keep on the move every minute when I wasn't in lessons. During all this time they never managed to catch me with more than two or three older boys, and every time I took out all three and escaped (went berserk again!). Eventually the source of boys chasing me dried up (they didn't like getting hurt), and they convinced a boy in my own class to 'get me', he was a lad called Mitchell, and I didn't like him anyway. He caught me one dinner, with no witnesses - and I beat the sh*t out of him - he didn't get to any lessons that afternoon, he was in sickbay till he went home.

After that they all gave up, and things returned to 'normal'.
heh me too (now tho lol) i have somehwat of a jock body (football player type) but im smart as a 70 lb kid with glasses
I'm in good shape, but I nerded my way though fights, I went to the library and looked up what causes people to loose conciousness when they get hit, boxing techniques and stuff like that. From then on if I had to fight it was a tight fisted right hook to the spot between the side of the eye and the ear every time. Even if it doesnt knock them out they're like a cat that just came out of a dryer for a few minutes. The hard part is not getting blamed just because you win the fight, its who started it that should get the blame.
Another thing you can do is figure out how to permanently shame them in front of their friends. Whew, we had that happened once. THe guy basicaly lost all his current friends. GOod thing too. He was a @$$#0L3.
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The only honest fights I ever had in school were with my brother. I would beat him senseless right in the hallway if he deserved it! Everybody saw it and never physically provoked me.

With anyone else I just embarrassed them to the point of quiting! Learn every ones secrets, its an outstanding way to win!
When the school bully (a nearby neighbor of mine) was continually singling me out one day for whatever reason that bullies do that, I just let it slip out that his mom was a bull dike and his dad a was gay. Right in front of him and about 20 other people. True too!
In small rural towns that quickly becomes a big rumor issue!

The problem went away permanently for a bunch of us kids he harassed!
Family shame trumps physical might ever time!
Yeah, theres a good chance they would try to kill you if you did that to some people.
Ever thought of moving someplace that still has common sense rules? Theres a reason I lived in a town for only a few years and the first chance I had I move out to the country and never looked back!
The few benefits of city life Vs the overall limitations, hassle, and cost of city life does not work in your favor. It never has and never will!
For what most people pay a year in rent you can buy several acres of land in the country and live far better off.
I'd love to move out of the city, I could have a huge workshop, get some fresh air, my parents already have a ranch in NM and they would let me live there and build a house no problem, when you have 18 square miles you dont really need to worry about the space one house takes up. But I'm and engineer and my wife is an actuary, so we coulden't work out there. I would go anway, but shes stubborn as a mule.
im trying to move to the country lol

My mother offered me a house with no rent only utilities (water/gas/electric) but its in Puerto Rico. Far!! lol but think RENT FREE!!!

Over here in NY a apartment is about $1200 + easy for 1 bedroom apartment. Thats ridiculous to me. In PA i can get a whole house for less than $800 a month.

Hence why free rent is so great!

But my wife doesnt want to move. She said she wouldnt have work out there. I said why would you need to work really. With me just working it would be enough cuz rent free.

If she wanted to she could still work as it wouldnt affect me but just stated that she wouldnt have to if it came down to it.


Anyway i have a second interview tomorrow for RadioShack. This time i got a manager from the local radio shack (2 blocks from here) to refer me.

When i go tomorrow he has told me to give them the store #2710 and job type P4. and he gave me his bussiness card with his info on it so i can show them and i can get a extra push in

That guy is mad cool. I guess since i was a nice customer and buy all the time from them he knows im a smart dude.

I think the job P4 is stock room. Which is what i want since he stated that 80% of sales position pay is commission and stock has a steady pay. I chose stock lol when i learn more on selling there i might change positions

But stock is fine to me
But my wife doesnt want to move. She said she wouldnt have work out there. I said why would you need to work really. With me just working it would be enough cuz rent free.

Very similar situation here. And NM is such a cheap place to live, we could probably get by on $300 a month there since we woulden't have rent, and groceries are dirt cheap. Maybe if I can get a consultant job that lets me earn good money remotely.

good luck on the job interview.
thanks Mike... i just did a small job for some dude on ebay. Hes friends with the guy from DipMicro. He wanted me to place a image on 1 LCD and take some pics and email them to him.

He told me he will send me 24 Nokia 7110 LCDs.... He did! I have them here and i sent him the image just now.

His image:
**broken link removed**

Here are my lcds:
**broken link removed**
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