I have 8 pins from a PIC MCU wired to a RJ45 as connection to the outside world via sensors (LDR, LM35, etc). Some of the 8 pins are used as inputs, the rest as outputs.
Some questions:
1)Is it advisable and necessary to put in static protection? I am talking abt those generated when you drag your feet against a carpeted floor and then touching the door knob, for example.
2)Is it true that I only need to protect those pins configured as input pins? or output pins would also need to be protected?
3) Am thinking of using a pair of schottky diodes for input pin protection. see attached. got the idea from **broken link removed**. Would it be the same if output pins need to be protected too?
I have 8 pins from a PIC MCU wired to a RJ45 as connection to the outside world via sensors (LDR, LM35, etc). Some of the 8 pins are used as inputs, the rest as outputs.
Some questions:
1)Is it advisable and necessary to put in static protection? I am talking abt those generated when you drag your feet against a carpeted floor and then touching the door knob, for example.
2)Is it true that I only need to protect those pins configured as input pins? or output pins would also need to be protected?
3) Am thinking of using a pair of schottky diodes for input pin protection. see attached. got the idea from **broken link removed**. Would it be the same if output pins need to be protected too?