Here in the attached file my code. I do not understand why Lcd_Out routine of Mikroe runs only. When I tried to run my own routines (2 versions), lines 161 to 166 ... here after, I can't display the string "Bonjour !". In the code I insert "//" in front of these 6 routines, in order to test each, one after one.
LCD_Write_String("Bonjour !");
LCD_Write_String_v2("Bonjour !");
LCD_String_Position(1, 1, "Bonjour !");
LCD_String_Position_v2(1, 1, "Bonjour !");
LCD_String_Position(1, 1, *pointeur_de_char);
LCD_String_Position_v2(1, 1, *pointeur_de_char);
Do anyone have an idea why they do not run ?
Merci beaucoup !
Here in the attached file my code. I do not understand why Lcd_Out routine of Mikroe runs only. When I tried to run my own routines (2 versions), lines 161 to 166 ... here after, I can't display the string "Bonjour !". In the code I insert "//" in front of these 6 routines, in order to test each, one after one.
LCD_Write_String("Bonjour !");
LCD_Write_String_v2("Bonjour !");
LCD_String_Position(1, 1, "Bonjour !");
LCD_String_Position_v2(1, 1, "Bonjour !");
LCD_String_Position(1, 1, *pointeur_de_char);
LCD_String_Position_v2(1, 1, *pointeur_de_char);
Do anyone have an idea why they do not run ?
Merci beaucoup !