PCB layout for H-bridge

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New Member
I have prototyped an H-bridge motor driver from a robotic vehicle guide on a breadboard. It is working very well, and I'm happy with it. I'm ready to draw out the PCB for it now.

I found a fair number of tutorials and guides for PCB layouts. I currently have both Traxmaker and Eagle installed on my computer. I also have the clearance, drill size information and files required for board fabrication. However, other than knowing that I want more than enough clearance, as much area allocated as possible for the MOSFETs to serve as heat sink purposes, and making sure the hole spacing being accurate for the different parts I have, how would you recommend a novice person to get started on laying out a PCB for this purpose? Thanks in advance for your comments.
Hi ssylee,

the PCB layout of your H-bridge depends very much on the components used. If the driver transistors have e.g. TO-220 packages you might place the transistors horizontally using the top copper layer of the PCB as heatsink (at reduced capability) or mount them vertically with the proper size (and thermal resistance) heat sinks.

I suggest you post your schematic and the raw PCB design and discuss improvement after that.

Don't forget to post some information about the load (current flow) as well.

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