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Opamp reference

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I am wiring opamp in differential configuration . The non inverting pin has a divider 40K by 10K referenced to GND and the signal reference of 10V is to be aplied to one end of 40K resistor. My question is should this reference of 10V(REF01) require any buffering ?

Post a schematic. Also describe the reference voltage generator, and post a schematic of it if possible.
Here is the schematic. Does the reference IC requires a buffer?


  • subtract.JPG
    11.6 KB · Views: 195
I don't know what the IC is, but 50K is alot of resistance, so I'm going to say that a buffer is not required.
I don't know what the IC is, but 50K is alot of resistance, so I'm going to say that a buffer is not required.

In my first post I say the number REF01 .

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