now I'm clean [yaaaaaaaay]

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New Member
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think it was about time for me to ditch tails and his cigarette.

Now, I replaced it with Knuckles climbing up a wall. why? because it is showing you the rate in which I am learning new ideas. AND, I needed a new character.
If I slow it down too much then it will look choppy, because it is a 5 step animation.

each frame is running at 3/100'ths of a second.

and that was the quickest reply I have ever got (5 seconds after posting)
Knuckles looks like a duck with dreadlocks.
Uncle $crooge also looks something like a duck.

The animation of Knuckles is much faster if you download him then view with a viewer program. A blur.

Awwww, I thought the cigarette was cool.
mstechca said:
because it is showing you the rate in which I am learning new ideas.

I can agree with that, it is scrambling around getting nowhere.

for those of you that think I am going nowhere, I shall maybe allow you a visit into my home and look at all of my circuits.

sure my superregen is substandard, but it works with an analog control.

I only post on here when I have a problem with a circuit.

Don't think I never progress, because I do.

did you notice that I never had a problem with a circuit smoking?

and why is that? (this one is for jimB, and Bryan1)
mstechca said:
did you notice that I never had a problem with a circuit smoking?

and why is that?

Because your weak old batteries don't have enough life in them to provide any current. :lol:

Aren't you the one who was worried about "blowing" an expensive varactor diode?
Isn't it difficult to blow a reverse-biased diode?
WRONG! :lol:
Because I am careful since I was a teenager!

I do test my circuits from a continuous 6VDC power source. It's called a DC adapter.

audioguru said:
Aren't you the one who was worried about "blowing" an expensive varactor diode?
better worried than stupid :wink:

audioguru said:
Isn't it difficult to blow a reverse-biased diode?
I guess so, unless the polarity for some odd reason is reversed.
so umm, is knuckles the arch enemy or his brother??

I dont smoke but i still got that smoking kermit!!
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