Noobs Gone Wild!

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BrownOut, I think what Nigel is trying to say is there is no factual information on this site that denotes who is a newb or not in electronics. The most quantitative and qualitative datum is the number of posts someone has, which of course, only has some relationship to experience in real life.

You could go by the quality of someones posts, but then that's just speculation at best.

I think it's generally pretty obvious who the noobs are, don't you? Most often, they say straight away if they are. Anyway, those who read my actual post and not just the title would have know what I was talking about.

To be clear, I have nothing at all against noobs, heck I was once one myself. I try to help anyone I can understand the subject matter, and I wish I had a place to go to ask questions when I started out some few decades ago. But what can get to be irritating is giving your time and effort in a cause lost to pig-headedness and arrogant belief in one's own righteousness. Add to that the "reward" of receiving "points" (whatever that means) for my efforts.
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I see the same thing over and over myself too. I got a warning for a word infraction one day and then booted for another dispute the second one being a very common and lesser word that is regularly used here. To get a boot for the day to me means your getting peoples attention!

When it comes to posting stuff I just give advise based on what I understand as fact and typically I only give details on things I know well. Its up the OP to decide what they want to use for a solution. My advice comes as a take it or leave it offering. Use it or dont, I dont care.

What I have seen in my life is when the so called experts give you the blind eye deaf ear treatment after you show them something remarkable that really does work, then you know you really have something great!

If I posted I had a gen set that ran on a closed loop HHO system with water as the fuel I would be laughed and ridiculed right out of the forum!
But If I posted about having built a high volume Browns gas electrolysis cell that used power from a vapor fuel powered gen set there would be no problem with it! Even if I then dumped the Brown's gas right back into the engine driving the generator.
As long as I printed every realistic detail of how I built the electrolysis cell and what power levels I used and what type of materials and electrolytes are needed then it would get taken seriously by most.

I personally like reading the alternative fuel nutters research stuff. I often think about where did the original information come from that this consept came from and what part of the goof ball meta-physics could actually be based on a miss interpreted working physics or chemistry principle.
I will not run the over unity nutters out but I will listen and learn and try to point out the flaws in their logic. And I will keep my mouth shut about potential political or public conspiracy and legal laws or rules out of my posting. I am here to help scientifically. Human imposed rules do not have any effect on the laws of nature and that is a fact!

Try declaring that the sun should not give off heat or the sky should now be forrest green and see if the sun or the sky really give a rats ass about what your laws say or what you think!
A brownout is a drop in voltage in an electrical power supply, so named because it typically causes lights to dim. ...
Hi there, I had input into that thread you refer to.
Feel glad you're not one of my lecturers.
Find your delivery a bit overpowering and one eyed.
Guess I'll go an join the Flat Earth Society.
Maybe I'll see you there too.
That's an odd comparison, flat-earthers to physicists/engineers. Guess it takes all kinds
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As far as I am concerned....Im a 50 year old nooob.
Ive been working with electronics since the 60.s...yet on here Im a noob....its fun, and humbling. Its funny when a UUBER-Nerd speaks to me like a idiot, simply because he is stupid enough to pre-judge my experience, or knowledge by my supposid capricious "rating system" used here.
I am neither happy, or satisfied unless I stir things to speak... and pomposity by Super-Nerds on this site sends me into fits of sarcastic posting that only TCMTech seems to have the intelligence to get.
Personally, the only posters that I would like to "acidentally" back over with my car as I pull it out of the driveway are the ones that suddenly pipe up in the middle of a discussion about a circuit that can easily be made with a 555 and a 4017 and say... gee why use all those expensive and difficult parts, when you can do that with a single chip microcontroller.
Of course they NEVER offer up the programming for the chip to do the job... the hardest part.

Agree, microc's are wonderful devices, but damn, some of us still like to work with electronics.
[QUOTE Add to that the "reward" of receiving "points" (whatever that means) for my efforts.[/QUOTE]

man BrownOut actually give a rats ass about any sort of rediculous "Points-Based" system used by these dolts???!!!
I feel sorry for you...

ROLL OVER...heres your points
SIT BOY...heres your points
BE A GOOD BOY, BOY...heres your points

Now take all those points down to to the bank and see how far they get ya
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It ain't about that. It's about giving my good time and effort to educate someone and get a kick in the teeth for my efforts.

But thanks for your concern.
Sometimes a noob who can read, understand, and explain can actually come to the correct conclusion. It doesn't pay to dig your heels in and make it impossible to learn from them.
I'm actually offended by this thread. Along with the moderators I put in a lot of time to keep this site running and try to maintain the peace with many different types of people. It is a very hard job and to have the experienced members complain that my 'warnings' are unwarrented time after time is beyond me. Who here as had an actual ban? 1 in 10,000?

This forum is free, and has been for 10 years. It's one of the biggest and is an asset to the internet. And thats only because I have kept it that way by paying the bills and putting in my hard work.

To complain that I sent you a warning about being abusive or insulting is very poor. It seems like most of you are complaining because people take your comments to personally, or seriously or just incorrectly. Why do you let it get to you and then attack them with words like 'your ignorant'? You are the experienced ones, if they annoy you or aren't listening, then don't talk. If you get frustrated at a reply then don't respond, or at least politely reply. If that doesn't help then report a post and let a moderator assist. Don't come in here and try to rally up other members to agree with you. What benefit does that have?

[questions are rhetorical.]

By the way, it seems like the word ignorant is a common problem with this forum so here is a definition:

If you just call someone ignorant it is an insult. Clear as. This forum does not allow insulting other members.


Posting articles that you blatantly don't understand does not help your cause, it doesn't make you look clever, it just makes you look ignorant and foolish.

I often enjoy responding to these sorts of threads. I feel that I am doing good by educatiog someone who is ignorant.

It's really not hard to decifer the meaning of these two comments.. and is why you got 2 warning which I was very lenient on.
To all the naysayers and complainers of how this forum is run, be it the rating system or any other thing. The solution seems simple to me, if you do no not like it, then turn your dial to another channel. It is that simple, and constant public complaining just creates unneeded controversy.

Regardless of your thinking, this forum is not a democracy rather it is a privately ran system and we as users must respect the rules set forth by the owner of the forum.

If you feel a rule is unjust or unfair, perhaps a private and polite email to the webmaster may obtain better results than a rude discontented post to everyone. Certain things are best left behind closed doors, and being a public malcontent serves no purpose.

Remember, respect goes a long way in getting results, insults lead to bitter conclusions and bad feelings. I prefer the former as this thinking has served me well thus far.

Just my opinion.
Well, thanks alot for inviting us to leave. At least we decided to have a discussion about this, and not just tell anyone to get lost. I don't think anyone was rude, and I don't think anyone expected a democracy, but intelligent people have intelligent discussions, and should not be coward by those who think that dialog is such a bad thing. Most of the contributors to this thread are those who give their time and expertise to help the less experienced members, and I for one have deep respect for anyone who gives their time to help.

Posting articles that you blatantly don't understand does not help your cause, it doesn't make you look clever, it just makes you look ignorant and foolish.

It was not a single remark but was built into a statement that the Op needed to educate himself.

I often enjoy responding to these sorts of threads. I feel that I am doing good by educating someone who is ignorant.

Once again a statement that is Hero999 efforts and intentions.

Neither seem to meet the definition.......

...... or generally (e.g. "an ignorant person.") -- although the second use is used less as a descriptive and more as an imprecise personal insult.


Edit: On the other hand I see that we need to be less arrogant with the use of the word and more tolerant to those with idea's that could never hold water.

But still makes good cover for their heads as they look out thru their holes.
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I am not sure this is all just complaining myself. What one person views as complaining another just sees as an observation comment.
If I say I like 90 degree weather and someone else says they dont should I take their comment as complaining or just commenting on something they do not agree with? And should they take my comment as just a personal preference comment or a put down to their personal preference choice?

Having a open forum is not something that is easy to regulate and control or force your beliefs or rules on and then have it survive for very long. I have over the years tried to be a member of several other forums that I either got sick of the unrealistic nutter mentality they had or they flat out shut down from everybody leaving because the site was regulated and limited to such a high degree of political correctness and blah blah blah that it was not interesting or worth continuing to support.

Electro tech is a world wide Internet community. Like it or not. Being a UK based in origin it actually surprises me that the administration even allows half of the stuff to be posted and discussed!

This forum is a world wide community of sorts and there are great differences in how one persons culture views things Vs another. Anyone that grew up in a highly restricted and controlled culture and thinks that should be the world wide norm will find us people that grew up in an open and unrestricted culture grossly negligent and dangerous by their standards! British high society snobbery and conformity Vs back woods redneck hill billy unrestrained trailer trash antics.

We have people here that represent every major continent and country. The will always be differences in views simply because we all are different and where we live and how each of our society's works is not the same and not always exactly compatible. Plus each persons views beliefs and way of doing things are just that much more diversity to deal with.

If I call some one a stupid clueless moron, depending on who I say it to, there will either be grossly hurt feelings or it would just be shrugged off. Or with a precious few they may take it to heart and respect me more for voicing my real and honest opinion!

When I post something that people dont agree with I respect them and dont get to upset or hurt by it. I understand that from their prospective they had a just cause in saying it. By their standards it may very well be considered wrong, dangerous, illegal or whatever. But from mine it may be a normal acceptable day to day occurrence I dont even think about.

I dont know how most take being censored or regulated but as long as the person censoring me or regulating me gives me an explanation and rational reason for doing it I will comply and likely take it to heart and respect their wishes.

However if you just dump my posts and tell me a I am a horrible childish nonconformist who's views a danger to everyone or simply say nothing at all I will take that with great offense and then make your life as difficult as I can just for spite! While enjoying doing it all the while!

My 20 cents. (2 cents adjusted for infation and permit fees.)

Hey, great post! I'm not really a fan of name-calling, however, and I think we can get along well without that. Perhaps our friends view the work "ignorant" as name calling too, as we interpret that as just being uninformed. In our defence, the definition clearly said that is the more common meaning.

But maybe we can find a nicer-sounding synonym for that word, since this seems to come up over and over. I would not think of that as "politcally correctness" just trying to be polite, and getting along.
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I have never had much respect for political correctness myself!

The stuff I have read relating to this thread topic and the the words I, BigKim100 and a few others, would use to describe some peoples 'concepts' would get us all banned for a day or more!

I think ignorant, incompetent, misinformed, uneducated, dumb, stupid, retarded, red neck hill billy prairie dwelling goober, nutter, goof, and WTF can be used to describe anything I say and what most others say at certain times.

If you should feel the need to comment on my 'concept' in such a way or worse and I will not take any offense at all!
You will probably even get some brownie points for doing it if I see your point as being valid!
Well you ignorant, incompetent, retarded, red-neck hillbilly! Naw, donesn't work for me. I have too much respect for anyone who thinks a good day is when he gets to take apart a Contenental f-163 engine
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You went from newbie to Okay, So you already got your brownie points from me.

If you dont want to get any where in life or learn new things hang out with the high society conformist snobs.
However if you want to learn and experience new things then come hang out with us back woods redneck hill billy prairie dwelling unrestrained trailer trash!

We will show you stuff that will shock and amaze you and if you want WE can even blow stuff up!

Just a normal day in Paradise for us.

Sadly most of you dont have any clue as to what your missing out on in your lives!
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