I’m doing a 16 row X 32 column matrix design & the display multiplexing is done in the ISR. At 1mS rate I’m getting into the ISR & update each row on every interrupt. For a frame it will take 1mS X 16 = 16mS.
I need to show moving patterns on the display & for that I need to generate delay routines (In the main code). For the time being I use delays using just delay loop codes.
The problem is, I see a very little flicker thing when the patterns moving. Do I need to generate delays using frames instead of just delay loops?
I need to show moving patterns on the display & for that I need to generate delay routines (In the main code). For the time being I use delays using just delay loop codes.
The problem is, I see a very little flicker thing when the patterns moving. Do I need to generate delays using frames instead of just delay loops?