mosquito repeller

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sai babu

New Member
I want to buid a electronic mosquito repeller
for my college project.I need
ciruit digram and information
about it.So plzzz plzzz!!
help me and give me information as earlier as possible.
power_creators @
it's just a oscillator running at some 23-26kHz.
if you need moskitos, send self-addresed envelope
I have a print if you would like it.

Its on a bmp but it will not let me put it on here? Do you know how to put the print up.
Change the BMP to a GIF or PNG for schematics. JPG is for photographs. :lol:
hantto said:
Does someone have any experience about mosquito repellers, do they actually work?
dont know..., how can you tell??
if you dont mind the smoke cat tails (those brown , sometimes green, thingys growing down at the local stream) work when lit, if they are dry enough..
Electronic mosquito repellers do NOT work, its a gimmick.
If you read up a bit on mosquitos - google will find you heaps of info if you bother to look for it - you will also find that they home in on the CO2 we exhale, combined with body warmth.
You will be more successful to confuse their attack sensors with chemical rather than electronic signals.

Yeah propane would most likely be the best solution but they are extremly expensive but it gets like 3,000 sq I am not to sure.
i can only agree that electronic repelants are useless (tried myself) except as practice to build electronic circuits or tease animals.
according to TV show (was it Discovery channel?) CO2 devices used by
military seam to be extremly efficient.
Mosquitooo :cry: :cry: :cry:

they r making me sufferrrrrrrrrrr :cry:

I tried chemical agents, electonic circuits..... nothing work

Best solution: CLOSE everything and buy an Air Conditioning
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