MCU temperature sensors

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Calvin Black

New Member
Generally speaking in regards to MCUs: can the on-board temperature sensor be used for air temperature monitoring, or is the temp sensor a die temp, or does it depend on the specific MCU?
My question is related to any MCUs that have on-board temp sensors, but specifically i'm using starter kit SK-S7G2 (Renesas).

Thanks, Cal
Its normally for core temperature.... The pic32 is anyway!!... I use an inclinometer which has a temp sensor built in so I use that!!
For an MCU it's the core temperature.

Some methods and code to use those diodes in internal and external devices.

PIC1845K80 core example using ADC and CTMU:
#define ZERO_DEGC_IN_CENTIK 27315ul // centi-K = 0.01K units

struct {
    // alpha numerator and denominator
    uint16_t alphan; // ADC bits
    int32_t alphad; // 0.01K units
} calibration;

* Initialize module
* 89.5F (31.9C) = alphan 293
void inttemp_init(void)
    // arbitrary values
    calibration.alphan = 293;
    calibration.alphad = 319 * 10 + ZERO_DEGC_IN_CENTIK;

*  Single point calibration to assumed ambient temperature
void inttemp_calibrate(int16_t temperature)
    // alpha = delta diode voltage / temperature
    calibration.alphan = inttemp_deltav();
    calibration.alphad = ((int32_t) temperature * 10 + ZERO_DEGC_IN_CENTIK);
* use the CTMU to measure the internal temp diode and return a voltage
* It's only good for about +- 1.0C resolution at best but it will work
* for time measurement calibration drift
uint16_t measure_chip_temp(uint8_t mode)
    L.ctmu_data = LOW;
    L.ctmu_data_temp = HIGH;
    ADCON1bits.VCFG = 2; // Vref+ = 2.048
    ADCON0bits.CHS = TEMP_DIODE; // Select ADC channel
    if (mode) {
        CTMUICON = 0b01111111; // 55uA CC max trim +62%
    } else {
        CTMUICON = 0b01111110; // 5.5uA CC max trim +62%
    CTMUCONHbits.IDISSEN = LOW; // end drain
    PIE3bits.CTMUIE = LOW; // don't generate CTMU interrupts for edges
    CTMUCONLbits.EDG1STAT = 0; // Set Edge status bits to zero
    CTMUCONLbits.EDG2STAT = 0;
    CTMUCONLbits.EDG1STAT = 1; // start current source
    wdtdelay(20); // CTMU setup time before sampling
    ADCON0bits.GO = 1; // Start conversion
    wdtdelay(20); // wait for ISR to update buffer
    CTMUCONLbits.EDG1STAT = 0; // deactivate current source
    CTMUICON = 0x00; // current off
    return L.pic_temp;

* Measure delta voltage across internal diode at two currents.
uint16_t inttemp_deltav(void)
    uint16_t v1, v2;

    v1 = (uint16_t) lp_filter((float) measure_chip_temp(LOW), 1, HIGH);
    v2 = (uint16_t) lp_filter((float) measure_chip_temp(HIGH), 2, HIGH);
    return v2 - v1;

* Read current internal temperature in 0.1C
int16_t inttemp_read(void)
    // temperature = delta diode voltage * (1 / alpha)
    return((int32_t) inttemp_deltav() * (int32_t) calibration.alphad / (int32_t) calibration.alphan - ZERO_DEGC_IN_CENTIK) / 10;
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