Does anyone have a chart showing max outer diam and Ohms/metre of TEX-BS and TEX-FS wires?
For some reason the Furukawa website only shows details for TEX-E and TEX-ELZ wires.
I wonder if TEX-BS and TEX-FS are the same M.O.D and R/m as TEX-E?
(I have the chart for TEX-E)
TEX-BS and TEX-FS wires
We introduce the Furukawa Electric products in the Electronics parts materials category for the Electronics sector.
Does anyone have a chart showing max outer diam and Ohms/metre of TEX-BS and TEX-FS wires?
For some reason the Furukawa website only shows details for TEX-E and TEX-ELZ wires.
I wonder if TEX-BS and TEX-FS are the same M.O.D and R/m as TEX-E?
(I have the chart for TEX-E)
TEX-BS and TEX-FS wires
We introduce the Furukawa Electric products in the Electronics parts materials category for the Electronics sector.
Electronics parts materialsï½Electronicsï½Productsï½Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.
We introduce the Furukawa Electric products in the Electronics parts materials category for the Electronics sector.