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Load Regulation Equation

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New Member
I am deriving load regulation for 7.5V 2Amp. linear power supply, but I am confused regarding the equation of percentage load regulation.

which of 3 is correct?

1....Load Reg = {(Vn - Vf) / Vf} x 100%
where Load Reg = load regulation;

Vn = no-load output voltage;

Vf = full-load output voltage


2....Load Reg. = V full load -V Minimum Load
V nominal load


FullLoad is the load that draws the greatest current (is the lowest specified load resistance - never short circuit)
MinimumLoad is the load that draws the least current (is the highest specified load resistance - possibly open circuit for some types of linear supplies, usually limited by pass transistor minimum bias levels)
NominalLoad is the typical specified operating load


3.....Load Reg = {(Vn - Vf) / Vn} x 100%
#1 is correct.

What you are measuring is the % change in voltage from when the supply is unloaded to fully loaded, the smaller the figure the better.
Thanks, I have designed 7.5V 2 Amp. power supply using LM338, 230 to 12V 3Amp. Transformer, Bridge Rectifier having 1.1V Forward drop per bridge and filter capacitor around 20000MF.
I am having load regulation of around 1.06 percentage, but I read that linear power supply can give regulation of 0.01 %, how to achieve this?
Sorry buy I think you've wasted your time because an audio amplifier doesn't need a regulated supply.
Sorry, I thought it was for an audio amplfier.

What do you need to power with this power supply?

It might not need a regulated supply, a 6V transformer with a bridge rectifier and 22,000µF capacitor might do.

The datasheet for the LM338 specifies a worst case of 0.6%, however it has a thermal stability of 1% meaning the output voltage can drift by 1% over the temperature range. Given the heating of the die, the regulation and the resistance of the wires, it woudln't surprise me if this could amount to 1.06%.

How thick are the wires?

How good is the heat sink?
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