Lead/contact suppliers

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New Member
I've looked up and down for those contacts that you find in a generic car lighter adapter. Maybe someone on here could point me in the right direction. The tip and the (I think it's nickel) coated flat leads on the side. Maybe on a reel?

Thanks in advance. Sorry for being kinda green.
What kind of quantities are you looking for? For small amounts you can usually find at thrift stores or at a local dollar store (not sure if you're in the US or have an equivalent) Things like dirt cheap coffee warmers or car fans/ or any myraid of bargain devices that can be driven from a car are likley sources for a small number of connectors/sockets and a few other useful parts. For decent numbers or something a little more solid I'm not sure, other users might be able to help more.
I could buy the whole adapter for about a dollar a piece but that's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a supplier who would deal the parts to actually make them(Small production number). I figured this would be the right place to ask, I don't know this industry that well and I'm hoping one of you can point me in the right direction.

It wouldn't be logical to go and buy 400 car fans, tear them apart, desolder, resolder them, then drive to the dump to dispose of all the junk plastic. All when I could have just had a reel of plated steel that I can cut and bend and a bunch of tips that I could snap in and solder.

Something has to be out there.
Which is exactly why I asked how many...
(Small production number) means exactly nothing. A small production number to HP, Microsoft, Sony, or another major company is VERY different than a small production number to a startup with limited funds, or an end user with a set number of units they want to create. You still haven't filled in a key to your question and that is
WHERE you are.. Physical location will lead to different users (mayhap in your area) answering you with more or less pertinent links.
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Red Deer Alberta. I could buy bulk online even over seas. Production number depends on number of clients interested. I'm still in the planning stages I've got all the other materials and suppliers on hold just trying to find these little hard to find parts.

Nearly impossible, unless I make those to. That would involve making a mold, a different furnace, and a electroplating line. Simply not cost effective.

I would tell you what it is but its still on my attorneys desk.
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