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immigration to canada

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When I was in Orlando, Florida I didn't see any black bears, panthers or gators roaming around town. I didn't even see any guns!

In my part of Canada there are many wild birds, squirrels, rabbits, racoons and skunks.

When you live out in the sticks away from civilization I guess you can shoot anything you want.
audioguru said:
When I was in Orlando, Florida I didn't see any black bears, panthers or gators roaming around town. I didn't even see any guns!

In my part of Canada there are many wild birds, squirrels, rabbits, racoons and skunks.

When you live out in the sticks away from civilization I guess you can shoot anything you want.

I've lived in Florida more than 20 years, only seen a few wild gators, no bears or panthers. I did see a giant rat at the Magic Kingdom...

Most animals are "protected", not sure if its legal to kill them to save a human life.

Been through many huricanes, but yet to see a tornado (most likely a once in a life time thrill, really mess some stuff up).
HarveyH42 said:
The usually have 4-5 black bear problems in Orlando every year. The gators pretty much go where ever they want. Even Panthers wind up in town.

I back on to open fields, I've lived in the country all my life, and I see the occasional fox, perhaps a badger now and then? - that's as rough as it gets here!.

There has been a colony of wallabies living wild in Derbyshire, I don't know if they are still alive or not? - but it's probably 25-30 miles from here.
I have lived in Florida all my life. Seen lots of gators (Go Florida Gators). Seen a panther 1 time, fox many times (once in the last 6 months). I have also seen that Giant Rat in Orlando.

Now it is all racoons and squirrels. And cats and dogs.

I would still trade my window view with Nigel. That is nice.

I live in the woods in a major city in Florida, people come to my house and say "wow", I did not know this still exists.

So I can not complain too much.
Black bears account for more human attacks than any other bear types. Prolly since there's more of them and they tend to migrate closer to human domiciles for the easy access to food and garbage. I have had them run by me while I was in a treestand. Many times during archery season, I have walked for a mile or so in pitch darkness at 5am with my flashlight off, making my way to my hunting stand as well as walking out in darkness at day's end. Yes plenty of scurrying critters that can make one's imagination run wild with fear. However, I keep one thought in the front of my mind: most animals are fearful of humans, esp. in the dark. Now if I chanced upon a bigfoot, I'd prolly crap my pants!:eek: I'd have more fear of getting lost in a big forest from the inconvenience than from it's inhabitants. It's safer to be in a forest with little food and water than it is in the city with a grocery store a block away!
HiTech said:
It's safer to be in a forest with little food and water than it is in the city with a grocery store a block away!
In the USA or in Bagdad?? Are both the same??
I was speaking of some US cities. I'd rather take my chances surviving in the northern woods of California than in LosAngeles, esp. east LA! Back to Bagdad... you have to admit one thing different with gun ownership in the US versus the mid-east; at least we don't shoot celebratory gunfire into the air with no regards to where those bullets will fall!
Would a falling bullet break a car's windshield?
Would it break your scull?

I don't think a falling bullet would hurt anything unless you live in a very crowded country.
I remember shooting some old rifles (black powder), where you needed to aim several feet above the target, just to hit the beer can. Guessing a bullet fired in the air could travel pretty far, and still kill.
audioguru said:
Would a falling bullet break a car's windshield?
Would it break your scull?

I don't think a falling bullet would hurt anything unless you live in a very crowded country.

You would be wrong. I heard of a case where a penny thrown from a 20 story building embedded itself in someones skull. Now, if a penny can do that, imagine what a much more massive lead bullet might do. Now a canadian dime, that might not even be felt. :D
A Canadian dime has real silver in it, that makes it much heavier than an American dime that is made from tar and feathers.:D
Optikon said:
You would be wrong. I heard of a case where a penny thrown from a 20 story building embedded itself in someones skull. Now, if a penny can do that, imagine what a much more massive lead bullet might do. Now a canadian dime, that might not even be felt. :D

Terminal velocity is something like 180 mph, so a bullet fired into the air is going to coming down at around that speed - I certainly wouldn't like to be hit by it!.

Check for a nice formula to work it out!.
audioguru said:
Would a falling bullet break a car's windshield?
Would it break your scull?

I don't think a falling bullet would hurt anything unless you live in a very crowded country.
Several years ago in my town, a black youth decided to go out at 12am New Years Eve, shooting his illegally owned 9mm handgun. One of the bullets fell back to earth a couple of blocks away, penetrating the skull of a small girl who was attending a public celebration of the Eve. with her family. Thousands of people gathered to celebrate in the open streets partaking in a variety of sponsored family type events and from that one brainless mishap the annual gathering has long since been cancelled. The small girl did live but spent much time in the hospital and at home recovering. The young teen was apprehended, arrested, and convicted on a handful of criminal charges.
The Discovery Channel show, "MythBusters" recently aired an episode about falling bullets to earth being harmful.... it's not a myth and they also examined the point of impact POI, by shooting exactly vertical and then measure the distance to impact after its return. They made a mock human body out of ballistic gel equalling the density of the avg. human. It's also known that a penny thrown off the Empire State Bldg. will sink into a person's skull... and a penny is considerably lighter than most copper-jacketed bullets! I can also tell you from personal experience that a large bird crapping from a height of a few hundred feet will definitely get one's attention as far as a thump to the head! How do I know of such things you ask? I worked for a communications co. and serviced head-end tower sites. The turkey vultures loved to perch high up on the towers overlooking the landscape for prey. What the tower site designers overlook is when large birds of prey rain down their doo-doo and a technician approaching the transmitter shack has to time his run and entry to the place!! It sounds like someone throwing rocks on the rooftop when the poo hits! :eek:
audioguru said:
A Canadian dime has real silver in it, that makes it much heavier than an American dime that is made from tar and feathers.:D
Well then, in exchanging our tar & feathers for your real silver, you Cannuks are sure getting hosed 'cause we get $1.14 for everyone of your dollars.**:p :D


You need to relocate south of the border, here, where you can get a gallon of gasoline for the price you pay for a liter up there. Health care is by choice and plan packages, not what the gov. provides, and you can choose to own or not own a firearm.
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