Im trying to bulid special Midi to Microcontroller device , need own circuit and pro help !

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DF 64 potentiometers feeding MiDi over USB with 3 selectable sets of parameters of for each pot.. ? this what you mean... Pot to MiDi ? ( we will get there eventually) post a sketch...
No I dont think I was over reacting now .
Must be one of those top secret designs that will revolutionize the music industry. He could tell ya, but then he would have to kill ya
I have a lot of patience , the clues are there its just not jelling for me at the moment , if the result ( output ) is MiDi over USB, then that's a tall order, regardless of how many 'knobs' .....
I think USB3.0 would struggle bandwidth wise with this, USB I think is certainly a non starter. Part of me thinks we are not getting the real point, I dont honestly know what he wants and I dont get why some one doing a kick starter would ask about boards on a forum instead 0f having a chat with a board place? Also 500 boards seems a low amount for a kick starter, I assume the product is already made?
The MPD218 in post above, outputs MiDi messages over USB , with the A B C selectors assigning various parameters
( channel , volume, attack etc ) the knobs do A/D for the MiDi control bytes. ( it could be done with a FTDI serial - USB ) the.......... DF "i need 64 analog input microcontroler that may be switched in 3 positions " suggests he/she wants 64 knobs feeding 64 AD channels turned into MiDi control messages , merged with 3 (ABC) settings.. ( frown !)
And USB can handle that amount of traffic? Not that we know how much traffic or much detail, I guess more will be known when the page goes on KS.
Just seems a bit odd for a pro company to be taking this sort of path?? But what do I know.


Yes looks like if it was 8bit then USB could handle it, 12 bit is a push unless I did it wrong
LG Standard MiDi runs at 31250 baud over opto couplers,(4 wires) put it on USB and i guess whatever it will take
if my guess is correct, then you don't need a 64 AD micro . Could mux with four 16-1 Mikebits Analog Devices AD7502 .
But I probably have it totally wrong...
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