I am a moron/idiot

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Many people here (myself included) are reticent to help with stun gun projects. Any project intended to shock humans like this is potentially quite dangerous. Amateurs (and hack plans like this) are not only quite ill-informed as to what it would take to shock with minimal possibility of injury, but there is frequently an irrational drive to make an even "bigger, more powerful" one which can be far more dangerous.

Additionally, even well designed hand-applied stun guns are nearly useless self defense devices. Such dangers are difficult to justify when the device has no benefits to begin with.

Just what is the purpose of your project?
Just one more thought to consider.

Imagine you are on the witness stand in a wrongful death lawsuit and a transcript of your transactions on this board comes up. Are you sure you can justify your words and actions in that context? Are you willing to have your assets attached and your wages garnisheed for the rest of your life? How about the rest of us? I for one will have no part in your immature, reckless, and foolish enterprise. Why don't you direct yourself in more profitble ways, both for yourself and the rest of society.
You sound to me exactly like the ayatollahs who want to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes, like power generation. A great American president said "Trust, but verify". Since I have no means to verify, I'm having a hard time with the trust thing. I hope you understand.
Absolutely. The trivia question is which American president, and what was the context of the remark?
Papabravo said:
Absolutely. The trivia question is which American president, and what was the context of the remark?

It was Regan's stance on the Soviets. Where is my cookie?
personaly i will never help you because i only have your word of your intention and i don't know who you are. i sugest that you cease to beg for this kind of help. yes i can be held responsible for my contribution
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