How to reduce the heat?

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Hi, I'm creating some monitoring and GPS system in my official bag, for that I'm using arduino, sim 900 seeduino board and Uln 2003 relay driver and 6 relays and 7805 regulator- 3nos and also 7812 - 1 no, While I finished with this components I closed everything inside a box and placed it in a bag its is closed circumstances, I'm just using 12 volt 4400 lead acid battery not lithium iron for voltage converters I m using heat sink also, in a wooden boox there is air ventilation holes also available even though in a bag monitoring system lots of heat available. so how to reduce it. my doubt is is it possible this kind of heat can affect a circuits and battery. If I use a DC to Dc converter is it possible to reduce a heat.
A 7812 regulator requires a couple of volts headroom, so won't be much use if the battery is 12V.
Could you run everything from a 6V battery instead, using low drop-out 5V regs if necessary?
Could you replace the relays with FETs to save power?
You don't mention the load current, so we can't assess how severe the heat problem is likely to be.
What is an official bag?
Why does it need to be monitored?

Are the relays 5v?
You have 12v, why use 5v relays, use 12v relays and dissipate less heat in the regulators.

Using a DC to DC converter will help reduce power dissipation.

Using a 12v battery and linear regulators to power a 5v system means that 7/12 x100% = 58% of the battery power is wasted as heat.

What is an official bag? Why does it need to be monitored?
I wondered that. Sounds like a covert surveillance kit that James Bond would have been issued with, before 'Q' managed to shrink it down to a tiny behind-the-ear module .
You can get switching regulators such as the lm25xx series, these are more efficient and will not produce as much waste heat.
Thanks for answer me: actually alec_t I can't use a 6 v battery because I'm using a relays also it is 12V and also relay driver uln 2003 need 12v supply, I can replace some relays with mos fets but something can't because it need to switch some data (like mobile speed dial buttons,) and mobile power supply purpose only I'm using 5v, and also official bag means some of my friends need this kind of bag so asked me to create it- JIM B. thank you Dr. pepper anybody can give me switching regulators circuit diagrams for 4v 1A
but something can't because it need to switch some data (like mobile speed dial buttons,)
You could probably use solid state switches for that, e.g. CD4066, which consume next to no power and run happily from 6V.
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