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Home automation using RaspberryPI

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Hello guys, I'm working on a school project on the automation of home appliances from a web server (two bulbs, a pir motion sensor and a raspberry-pi camera) all interfaced with the Raspberrypi. I would love any additional knowledge or idea on how to go about this project? I have basic knowledge of programming and networking
I think there are several members using the Pi for home automation or some thing like that.
I tried to use python for the program but could not get a human interface to work.
I am playing with node red for the program. I like it in part because it does human interface well and works on the network well. It is event driven in that it responds to things that happen. I have the human interface as a web page with windows that give status. So any computer/phone can see what is happening. Node Red is "visual" or "block programming" in that you put pictures or blocks on the screen and connect them with line. I think it is Java under the blocks but you don't really need to know Java.
There is python code for motion detection using the Pi camera. There are also programs you can download that look at certain spots on the camera and if the spot change, signal a event.

I'd like to get involved with the PI too and I got a PI 4B from a member here. It's going to need a little more robustness first.
1) It needs to run headless
2) It needs to run VNC
3) Needs ssh access
4) Needs to have two virtual COM ports.

Status: Not even close

The device I want to control Dual AM/FM Tuner isn't hooked up
1) Need to mount active antenna in the attic
2) Mount tuner in the ceiling
3) Need to verify that it works
4) It would use 1 Virtual COM port

The HDMI wireless connection look like it will work
1) Managed to play a tone wirelessly with a VGA to HDMI test pattern
2) Haven't monkeyed with the controls. - e.g. try to get the raster black.
3) The VGA generator will be replaced with a kit that will need a virtual COM port connectiion.

V-com port gizmo (need two ports for this project)
It's like OPTIONAL for the time being.
The third might go to a FAX modem.
Maybe one to the console port.
1) Haven't managed to get admin access to it yet. The other one is broke.
Unable to do it by Ethernet. Ethernet light blink on one. Don;t on the other "bad" one.

The HDMI repeater should repeat IR

So, antenna, tuner, IR repeater, HDMI repeater is the minimal setup with no PI,

The next thing to add is the device that would basically turn the TV into a vt100 display terminal with no keyboard.
i.e. the VCOM port downstairs. I could make the cursor invisible and get a black raster.
So, I either get black raster from the brightness control (unknown) or from the vt100 terminal (likely)

I don't need any user interface initially. The RS232 interface should pick up unsolicited keypresses from the IR remote
Who knows how this might work.

Now it comes down to what to use. There is a free LabView community web edition, so it might work.
Then there is Python and some web add-on.

Getting either of them to work seems like a messy proposition. The PI might have to be a webserver.

I want a webpage I can access with my cell or laptop to select stations etc. Mom would use the IR method.

If it works, the second tuner could have audio hard-wired (powered speakers) to the kitchen downstairs or connect to a Barrix Extreamer to play on a phone/laptop.

I don't know python. I did know LabVIEW.

Once the PI is setup, I could play with CEC-HDMI where I want to try muting the TV with certain events. That library would work on Linux.

So, that's like a plan.

This idea might be an interesting function like "Leave a note". I have no idea how that might work. Maybe use the CEC-HDMI and put something on the TV that tells the viewer to check for a note, so you would have to goto radio mode and access preset 6 which would be a no station.

If I gave it access to the house or the LabView cloud, I could send a message from anywhere. it's would be like one-way paging from yesteryear. A one way SMS would work fine.

Lots of wierd things are possible. Muting is what I really want. e.g. phone, doorbell. nurse call. It might be able to annouce on the TV probably.

Basically want a AM/FM tuner that plays through a TV without an AV receiver. it could evolve into all sorts of things.

Even later in the process, the wireless HDMI/IR might turn into a wired HDMI/IR. I might be able to pull IR over Ethernet.

Then the idea of a custom remote control that would be used from the hospital bed.

One other project could be added is real-time antenna positioning display. The antenna rotor display is correct when its stopped, but not when it's moving.
I got a pi once, set it up and played frogger the rest of the night. the end.
for automation just get a smart switch for 20$, for edu check out the esp alexa mods.

ie coffee maker 20$ + smart switch 20$ = 400$ wifi coffee maker

My biggest problem has been on the control side where my Echo dot can control anything and has routines and schedules set up for easy key word triggers, but thats it, im in the process of finding a easy button that can send trigger commands to dot with no avail. (If anyone finds let me know!)

when it comes to any device control on any platform, all that is needed is the TCP command string to trigger the receiver and tie it to button or event, however again hard to find on premade devices, on home made it can be whatever you want.
for automation just get a smart switch for 20$,
I am using the Sonoff "things". From my phone I can see the temperature of all the buildings on the farm. I can control fans and lights from anywhere. I do not like some aspects of Sonoff but it is better than the X-10 I used for years. Maybe it is the eWelink software I don't like.
The Pi (or at least a Pi 4 with adequate RAM) can run a version of Homeseer for a full and very comprehensive automation system.
It has its own web interface plus numerous alternate interfaces plugins and apps.

They have sales regularly that make it better value, sometimes down to half price. It's got moderate offer for 4th July, $58 at the moment.

Alexa has a free add-on that interfaces with Homeseer, so you can control on/off devices and lights etc. (including virtual devices that trigger scripts in homeseer) from alexa.
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