hex to octal converter with display

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How to make a hex to octal converter circuit?
our teacher ask to do this. can some one help me?

Hexadecimal-to-Octal Converter with Display

Input: 1-digit Hexadecimal Number represented by 16 input points
Output: 2-digit Octal Number represented by 8 output points

Logic Function

The circuit will convert the hexadecimal input into its octal equivalent. Both the input and output must be displayed using a seven-segment display. Note: For the number 6 the 'a' LED with light and for the number 9 the 'd' LED will light.
12 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.
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can you please provide me the circuits diagram? we are required to do it in a breadboard. and i'm really bad at it.
Some 7-segment decoders, such as the DM9368, will generate all the characters for Hex code (0-9 and A, b, C, d, E, F).
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Dunno what chips to use but Hex to Octal is very simple. Think Binary.
Bits 0-2 (which represent the numbers 0-7 for octal) are your lower octal digits.
Bits 3-5 represent the next digit in octal.

In 16 bit HEX (groups of four)

In Octal (groups of three) are simply

It's too late for the OP since he had a three day window.

But conceptually it's reasonably simple with two octal displays. You detect the value of the MSB value of the four bit hex number. If it's zero you direct the lower three bits to the first octal display. If it's one, you set the first display to "1" and route the lower three bits to the second octal display. That will display 0 through 17 for 0 through 15h.
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